Are You Shining?

How are you all doing four months into CoVid-19? Certainly, none of us ever expected to be in these circumstances, yet, here we are. So how are you coping?

Our pastor asked that question of us on Sunday morning. We spent the morning studying in Philippians 2:14-18. Paul is in a  prison in Rome. His circumstances couldn’t have been good. He’s chained to his guard 24/7. I can’t imagine. Some things I don’t even want to think about. Nasty. How would he eat? What would he eat? Was it remotely clean? Did anyone care? Did he even have clean water?

In the midst of such dire circumstances, days of confinement, Paul still found joy. How about you? Are you finding joy wherever you’re spending your stay-in-place time?

Now, I do realize that some of you have ventured forth to go visit relatives or to go on short vacations. Well, let’s get real here. Some of you have traveled a fer piece from home, as my Granny would say.

Those of you who have chosen to remain home, how are you doing? I’m not sure what was going on with the Philippians. Paul told them to do all things without grumbling or arguing. I think our country could use a bit of his advice these days, don’t you?


Paul tells them, they’re different. They’re children of God and they should behave thusly. He even told them they were to be the light in the world. I love that idea. It makes me smile every time I read those words, be the light, as that is the motto of my publishing company, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. But, I also love the idea of being the light. Makes me want to burst into a rousing chorus of This Little Light of Mine.

Can’t you just see Paul singing that in prison? Maybe the guards joined in. Who knows? But he didn’t let his surroundings, his imprisonment, keep him from finding joy in knowing the Gospel and being able to share it with others. Are you that joyful about sharing the Gospel?

I follow a lovely lady on Facebook who ends her podcast with you could change someone’s eternity. Now, I know we all know that, but how often to we actually sit and ponder on the enormity of those words? You could change someone’s eternity.

I’m no prophet. I don’t foretell anything. That isn’t one of my gifts. But I know the One who is Prophet, Priest, and King. I don’t know when He’s coming back. He even said He doesn’t know. Only the Father knows. But what if it were tonight? Is there someone in your life you wish you’d shared the Gospel with?


Go be that light. Shine the Word of God upon someone today. Change their eternity.  At least, try your best. Share your joy with them. It isn’t up to us to save, Jesus did that already. All we can do is plant the seeds and let God do the rest.

Are You Shining? @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith Click To Tweet

How are you finding joy in these days of confinement? Share your ideas with us.

1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Debra DuPree Williams says:

    Hello all! Thanks for stopping by. I need to correct something in my post today that was just pointed out to me. Paul is NOT in prison in Philippi, Greece. He’s in Rome. In our pastor’s series on Philippians, I guess I just misunderstood that. Should have done a bit of my own research rather than relying on my notes. So, my apologies. I didn’t mean to mislead any of you. Thanks to my friend for pointing this out to me!

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