Running To – Not From

One of my author friends , Lori Roeleveld, wrote an amazing book titled, Running from a Crazy Man (and Other Adventures Traveling with Jesus). It’s a devotional unlike any I’ve ever read. She’s profound, for sure. I highly recommend it. She’s talking about David and Saul.

My husband and I have been reading the Bible chronologically since late February. We’ve recently encountered King Saul and David, the shepherd boy who killed the giant, Goliath, and later became king. Poor David, though he is called a man after God’s own heart, spent much of his life avoiding Saul who chased him everywhere he went with the intention of killing him.

When given multiple opportunities to kill Saul and cease the running, David refused to do so saying he wouldn’t kill God’s anointed. But all those years of running from.  Poor David.

My debut novel, Grave Consequences was launched into the world this week after a long writing journey. I’m so blessed to have been afforded this opportunity, and I thank my publisher, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas and Firefly Southern Fiction, for taking a chance on me.

What does this have to do with Saul and David? There is a connection.

Like David, Charlotte Graves, my main character, spent much of her life running from. Even as she returns home after an eight-year absence, she’s still running from so many things. But as the story and the truth unfolds, Charlotte begins to realize that Mama was right all those years ago when she told her the truth shall make you free. Then, Charlotte begins to think about running to.

Our pastor is still in the book of Philippians. It is Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, Greece, from his prison cell in Rome. Today we were in Philippians 3:4-11. Paul is telling them there was no better man than he at being a good Hebrew.

He was circumcised on the eighth day of his life, he was of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews. He was a stickler for the law, and was so zealous, he persecuted the church. But when he found Christ, he considered it gain to have lost all those things he had been so prideful about, because the truth had set him free.

Know that these themes are woven into the story of Charlotte and her friends. I don’t go beating you over the head with a Bible. But as you read, look for subtle changes in Charlotte. That’s called a character arc for those who don’t know the vernacular. I didn’t know it either a few years ago. See if you can spy those situations that may make her begin to think about running to rather than from.

If you’ve just found my website and you haven’t signed up for my newsletter, my July letter is fairly short. When you sign up for my newsletter, you will receive as my thanks, a short story prequel to Grave Consequences. Do stop in and leave comments. I may be a day or so late in responding, but I do try to answer each one.

Please share your thoughts with me. This is going to be an exciting week. I’m so glad you’re here!

Running To - Not From @DDuPreeWilliams #graveconsequences #faith Click To Tweet


Here is a link to my virtual launch party. If you’d like to join in the fun, be sure to get your FREE tickets at this site by August 1, 2020. Event is August 3, 2020, 6 p.m.  Hope to see you there!


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