A Few Changes Coming

I’ve never been one to like change, but sometimes we need to change things up a bit. To that end, I want to clue you, my loyal readers, into what I’m doing next. My newsletter has been a sporadic thing in the past, but I’m getting ready to revamp it. I’ll offer you at least four things each month.


1. A genealogy tip. If you’ve never searched for your roots, this is the place to come for where to start your journey. I’ll begin with basics and carry you through a few things I’ve learned through the years. If I learn something new, you’ll be the first to know about it. If you’ve never done genealogy, let me warn you—it’s addictive.

2. A glance into the South. I’m Alabama born and reared but I lived in Florida for almost forty years. I now live in the mountains of western North Carolina. I know a bit about the South, her ways, her sayings, her people. I’ll share a glimpse of that part of my life with you. It may be a Southern saying, a story about one of my colorful family members, or it could be something I’ve learned from the good people I’ve been blessed to know. I’ll share a book by a favorite Southern author, or a book set in the South.

3. A good-ol’ down-home Southern recipe. I grew up at my Granny’s heels and followed her everywhere she went.  As she walked long distances to visit with friends and family, I took every step with her. Oh, the joy of hearing her sing good old-fashioned hymns, those with deep meaning. Her favorite was Nothing But the Blood. I stood next to her as she prepared scrumptious meals from her garden or her chicken coop out our back door.

4. A writing tip. Since so many of you are writers, these will be simple things I’ve learned along this writing journey or a book I’ve found helpful. I hope they will help and encourage you on your own writing journey.

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Every now and then, I may throw in something as a bonus, especially during those special times of the year like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Or maybe a whim will hit me one day and I’ll simply have to share it with you. Please don’t hold me to only four thoughts. I’m Southern, after all.

Now, all this said—is there anything you’d like me to write about? Something that says it’s uniquely me or who you see me to be? Or something you feel you need? I’m no counselor or pastor, but I’m confident I can find words that just may help or encourage you in your situation.

My blog will still be here, but it will be much shorter. My newsletter is where you will find most of the things that are dear to my heart. Those special things I want to share with you, my loyal and faithful readers. Remember, it’s going to be once a month and packed with good things to make your life more joyful. We all need that these days.

Oh, I’ll be sure to include a favorite Scripture with each newsletter. And with that, a question for you to ponder as you read it. If you still want them, I’ll include a hymn, praise song, or an anthem. Music is so much a part of who I am.

Thanks for taking the time to stop in and visit for a while. Wish I could offer you a glass of sweet tea and a slice of coconut pound cake. That recipe is in the back of my first novel, Grave Consequences. It is yummy!! My precious sister’s MIL’s recipe.

As an afterthought – I’ve recently told you to contact me via a PM. Please send prayer requests to my email address. The PMs get lost in the shuffle and I do want to pray for your needs. If you’ve never signed up for my newsletter, this is the perfect time to do that. The first one will be out by mid-September.


Blessings, y’all!


Here is my precious Granny’s favorite hymn. Do y’all like that I include these here? I want to do those things that bless you. Let me know, please.



    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for your faithfulness, Debbie. I look forward to reading your newsletter and blog.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. I hope you will benefit in some small way from my offerings.

  2. Jane H Green says:

    The newsletter sounds great! How do I sign up?

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thanks for your patience while I went in to see where one does that.
      I’m so techie sometimes! Happy to report that I found it without help!


  3. Andrea Merrell says:

    Love this, Deb! 🙂

  4. Tim says:

    This sounds exciting Debbie. I’m rooting for you. I pray God will use your newsletter to His glory.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I do pray that every word I and all of my writing friends put forth is for His glory!

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