Overextended? Pray and Plan

Overextended. When I did a search for this word in the 1828 Noah Webster American Dictionary of the English Language, it didn’t appear. But when I opened my New Oxford American Dictionary, 2001 edition there it was. The definition of overextended is to impose on (someone) an excessive burden of work or commitments.

Have you ever found yourself in this situation? I think many of us likely have. This is where I am now. The choice to take on multiple tasks was purely my own.

By taking on being on three simultaneous launch teams, editing my own work, cooking more due to diet changes, taking a quick trip for a weekend to handle something for one of our children, and just the daily things that have to be done, I’ve overextended myself a bit.

So how do I handle all this?  With prayer and a plan.



Overextended? Pray and Plan @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing Click To Tweet

I couldn’t do all this without His help. I’m older now and things that once took me fifteen minutes now take half an hour to an hour. So, I definitely need to pray, and then plan.


  • Priorities. There are things I must do daily. God comes first. Therefore, Bible study and time with Jesus go to the top of my list. Some days, it seems I fail miserably in doing this. I know He forgives me, but what about my spiritual well-being? When I don’t stay close, I risk satan showing up in all his ugliness. Spiritual warfare is real, as I’ve said in previous posts. See those here:    bit.ly/45IPwL6                          bit.ly/3RgOEZX


  • Marriage. My husband and our home must come next. This doesn’t take a lot of effort as Hubby is eager and willing to take on any tasks I may need from shopping and cooking to reading my WIP and making notes about things he sees that just don’t work.


  • Children. The son’s needs have to be near the top as, well … he’s, my child. One of four, yes, but he’s one of our most cherished gifts and we feel it is still our job as his parents to help all of our boys when they need us. This need is time-sensitive.


  • Launch Teams. The launch teams I am on are run by two different ladies, but they are experts at what they do. They’ve each made our tasks doable and as easy as possible. Plus, they aren’t task masters looking over our shoulders. They tell us to do the best we can. Usually, they give us specific days so we know what we need to do ahead of time. That really helps.


  • My Writing Work. But this blog post must go out, so I’m in here doing this now. It’s later than I like, but it is getting done. My own work, and edits on my work in progress (WIP) will come later this afternoon and into the evening. And that’s okay as I will have spent mealtime and prep for those with my husband. We will have done our Bible study and prayer time together. We pray together again over all the things on our hearts at each meal and at bedtime. So, time together has not been sacrificed. And my work is done, too.


Somehow, writing this rendered that first word powerless.  


Maybe, but it’s always manageable with prayer and His plan.

Blessings, y’all!





You know, the Bible tells us in Proverbs 16:9 (NASB) The mind of a person plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. When I pray and listen, I know God will reveal His plans for me and my life. His will be exceedingly better than mine. He always makes a way where there seems to be no way.


    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    Oh my goodness, Debbie! This was the best encouragement for me on this day. I frequently feel over-extended, especially today. I’m looking into “time blocking” and hoping to watch a Daily Connoisseur YouTube on that subject tonight before I go to bed, in the hopes it will help me tomorrow:)But I think Prayer and His Plan should actually be my first priority, just as you said!! I’m so grateful for your post today!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I don’t know what time-blocking is but I see a blog post for you to us
      in the future! Sounds very interesting. Let us know if you find it
      helpful. Thank you for your kind words.

  2. Joni says:

    Thanks, Debbie. Yes, it is easy to overcommit and overschedule. I battle that, and the feeling that I never accomplish enough. But God is good and guides me to do the “next right thing”. And I need to leave the outcome to Him.

    However, there are times when I overcommit and God is very clear that I need to schedule less. Grateful for Him letting me know that, too.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Yes, it is easy. We all just want to be as helpful as we can.
      I’m so glad we serve a God who cares enough to let us know when
      less is more!

  3. Melissa Henderson says:

    I need this message. Thank you. 🙂

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I do too! But we can’t help it. We have hearts that want to help our friends!
      And strangers!


  4. Andrea Merrell says:

    Wise and timely words! 🙂

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. I’m always talking to myself! If I need it, surely someone else does.
      It’s easy to take on too much in our desire to help others.


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