Show and Tell Part 2 – Spiritual Warfare

I want to elaborate on last week’s post. I thank all of you who reached out with comments either via my blogsite or in an email.

You must wonder how my husband and I remained blind for so many years. I think the short answer would be spiritual warfare. Satan is very good at putting blinders on those he seeks to destroy. And what better place to begin than within the church?

Why would he come after those who are already lost, in his grasp? The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:8 (ESV) Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. A pretty scary thought, huh? But that is exactly what happened to us.

See, we both had a head connection to Jesus. Yes, we had a heart connection, but it wasn’t what it should have been, or this would never have happened to us. We wouldn’t have assumed the church was supposed to teach our children. Years of our lives were spent in church, singing in the choir, even leading the children’s choir (me) for a time. I’ve already told you about J being a part of a prison ministry for a while.


Honestly, there’s no other way to put it than we both thought we were okay as far as our spiritual lives were concerned. I’d joined a Bible study in our Birmingham church. I was learning things I’d never known. But my eyes were blinded to the truth.

A dear friend in Birmingham shared with me how much I was missing out on. I listened and read the many books she gave me. I could feel little changes starting. But then, we moved to Florida. I lost my support person. With three small children and in a strange new place, there was little time for God other than joining the church choir.

We joined a church whose music program was as close to the beloved church we’d left behind. Understand that music had become more important to us than the Word of God. Yes, it hurts to write those words, but it is true.

Fast forward to our children being grown. Two were married. We had grandchildren. One son divorced. We moved to North Carolina.

At this point, we still thought we were fine spiritually. We were so, so wrong.


2020 was not only horrible because of Covid-19 hitting our great country and the world, we had our own personal battles to fight. You can read about that here:

Show and Tell Part 2 - Spiritual Warfare @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #spiritualwarfare #GiveMeJesus Share on X

I won’t go into details. Just know that when we are most vulnerable is when Satan and his cohorts will swoop in and snatch you right up. You must always be on guard. Especially on guard for your heart. Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. (Proverbs 4:23 ESV).

Those next few months were horrible. So many things came at us from every possible corner of life. Things we would never have imagined, over which we had absolutely no control. Exodus 14:14 should have been our battle cry, The Lord will fight for you, you have only to be still (ESV).



God sees even when we can’t see. He knew one particular day, followed by other equally challenging days, was coming. He’d already made provision for such a time.

In February of 2020, I joined many members of my family in doing a chronological reading of the Bible followed by comments by Tara Leigh Cobble on The Bible Recap. After weeks of urging my husband to join us, he finally, reluctantly agreed. In hindsight, we now know that one simple act, agreeing to this study of God’s Word, was the one thing that anchored us during that time.

God’s Word got us through the most challenging time of our marriage. Even more-challenging times followed those dark days. Knowledge of God and totally surrendering to His will got us through those tough, tough times.


Studying God’s Word changed us so much that in June 2021, we both asked to be baptized again. We know this isn’t necessary, but to us, it was an outward sign of the huge change within each of us during the previous year. My nephew, Gray Foshee, a pastor, baptized both of us in their backyard pool, witnessed by several family members including my beloved sister, Bobbie. I’m so glad she got to witness this before she entered her eternal home.

She’d prayed for us for years. As I told you last week, it’s never, ever too late. Keep those prayers for your loved ones going up before our loving, merciful God. He hears you!

We rejoice over truly being new creations in Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Blessings, y’all!



Friends, we failed to understand that being a Christian is about having a personal relationship with Christ.  Intellectually, we knew who He was. He lived in our minds and maybe a small corner of our hearts, but we didn’t know Him well enough to have a personal relationship with Him. You can’t have that without knowing Him intimately, and one learns of Him by being in His Word daily. Make Bible study and time with Jesus a priority in your life. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Please remember, the battle belongs to God!!


    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing your heart. Appreciate your words so much.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. It isn’t always easy to pour our hearts onto a page, but sometimes it’s what we’re called to do.

  2. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Precious words and insights.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Sally Jo,
      Thank you. It was a challenging time, but God already knew the ending. Praising His holy name for grace and mercy, redemption and restoration.
      And second chances!

  3. Jane H Green says:

    I am so excited for your “happy ending” Debbie. So glad you have the deep relationship with God now and have made your “calling and election sure” 2 Peter 1:10:)

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. This has made a dramatic difference in our lives. All four of our children said to us at Christmas (the first time we’d all been together since
      Christmas 2019, prior to all this) that we’d changed. They could see and feel it. So, so thankful.

  4. Tim Richards says:

    Debbie, thank you for being so honest and sharing this good news.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. I’ve always been an open book. To a fault, at times. Always a privilege to share good news along with the Good News!

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