Discovering Bible Hub App – Wow!

For years Hubby and I have used You Version for our Bible app. Weary of so many people being featured there who aren’t true to the gospel  (this is only OHO), we went back to one I’d forgotten I have on my phone, Bible Hub.

Do y’all use Bible Hub? Are you aware of how good it is? We were stunned.


Bible Hub offers more translations than you can imagine. I quit counting after twenty-five. They also have an audio version and visuals to accompany your daily read. You will find parallel translations, sermons based on your daily verse, commentaries, interlinear . . . the list is seemingly endless.

Divions include devotions, topics, just about anything you could possibly want. It reminds me of Logos, another expensive Bible study app. But Bible Hub is free. You will simply have to check it out to see what all it offers. It truly is mind-boggling. All of this is in my phone at the touch of a fingertip.


Since we weren’t familiar with all the things this app has to offer, Hubby sought a video on YouTube, and he found one I will link at the end of this paragraph. We sat with our mouths open, hearts pounding, chill bumps on our arms, and I had tears in my eyes. Oh, how wonderfully amazing our God is. In all He does.

Yes, I know you already knew that, but this was something we’d never been told by anyone in any church we’d been members of. It is nothing we would have found on our own, and I hope seeing this video and hearing what Steve Demme has to share with the family in the video blesses you as much as it did us.

Discovering Bible Hub App - Wow! @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #BibleHub #BibleStudyAid Share on XIT’S A PROCESS

We’re still working our way through all the many offerings. Again, the word has to be mind-boggling. There is so much here, it will take us a lifetime to see it all and learn all it has to teach us.

If you’ve used or use Bible Hub, let me know your thoughts. If you’ve seen it but you use another app, share that with us. There truly is something out there for everyone.

May God bless you as you check out Bible Hub. If you are seekers like us, I pray He will guide every step you take with the Light of His lamp.


As you seek a closer relationship with the Christ who died for you, may He always be your vision. A Lamp unto your feet!


    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for the info, Debbie.

  2. Jane H Green says:

    Wow Debbie! Thanks so much for that resource. I had not heard about it before now.

  3. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Thanks for the tip. I installed it on my phone!

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