
I hate when life takes over and I get behind with things. But sometimes, that’s just, well . . . life.

This past Sunday, I got up with a dull headache. I meant to take my migraine meds before we left for Sunday School, just in case it got out of hand. This has happened many times in the past. But, in our haste, I forgot. Halfway through church, that headache was screaming and I was getting sicker by the minute. Once church ended, I told hubby to get me out fast. I didn’t want the inevitable to happen in church.

J got me home and tucked in bed, shades drawn, blankets piled, migraine meds taken, and I thought I’d be off to dreamland. But it was a fitful rest. Or rather, no rest at all. The headache didn’t get better. I took a second pill, something I never, ever do or even have to do.


At about six that evening, I was back to a manageable dull headache. Instant pot to the rescue for supper. I even made a pan of cornbread. Thankful I felt better.

The next morning, I felt fine, but I thought I’d better take an at-home C-19 test.

I did. And it had blue and pink lines.


I phoned our doctor who said she’d see us in about an hour.

Quick showers, clean clothes, no makeup, and barely-combed hair later, we went in for the long test. We both felt fine all that day. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just tired. But remember, I hadn’t slept well.


Tuesday morning, we got the results.


 What? How was that possible? She even told me, if the home test was positive, I probably was.

After using the portal message system, she informed me the long test is the one to trust.

Okay. But we’re still isolating for the full five days. Saturday through Wednesday. Hubby didn’t do a home test, by the way, and his long test was negative, too.


So, here I sit, trying to get life back to normal.

I’m not complaining. I’m adding not being positive to my list of things-for-which-to-be-thankful this year. I could have had this horrid virus. Instead, it was just a migraine. I can manage a migraine.

On another happy note, not just the negative test, I got a lot of work done on Grave Decisions yesterday.


I’m giving thanks for many things today and I’m singing Psalm 105:1. Do y’all remember that one? It was by the group, Truth.

Another thing I’m thankful for is you. All of you who follow my blog, who have read my book, who have posted a review. Authors are nothing without faithful readers. It’s you folks who keep us doing what we do. I’m so thankful for you.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Here’s a question for you. What do you think I could do to get to know y’all better? Changes to my webpage? Communicate more often? Differently? I’m open to suggestions.

Blessings, y’all!

Back in the 1980s, we saw this group every chance we got. They were from Mobile University and so good. Our kids loved them, and “Shut The Door” was their favorite. I hope you enjoy hearing this. Roger Breland was the director. These days, they’re the Voices of Mobile and Veritas.



    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing your heart and life, Debbie. I’m so grateful for you, your honesty, and your faithfulness to keep writing!

  2. Jane H Green says:

    So glad you’re feeling better! There’s a lot of bad stuff going around right now.

  3. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    I’m thankful you were able to make this post. It makes me consider things I can be thankful for too. Congrats on getting lots of work done on your WIP!

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