Pinterest is for Everyone – Reach Your Audience

Today’s blog post is mainly for my writer friends. But, if you have a business or a page on Pinterest, this could benefit you as well. Pinterest is for everyone, and it’s a great way to reach your audience.

I love Pinterest. It’s one of the main places my readers hang out. I don’t know all there is to know about it, but I do know it’s important to keep things current and to pin on there original content. That means, don’t just pin others’ photos of food—cook it, photograph it, and create your own pin.

I’ve done a bit of this. Also, I’ve linked my blog posts to my Pinterest page by creating a board with the title of my blog, Relatively Southern.

At this moment in time, I’m still in the learning stage with Pinterest. It’s a major undertaking to follow through on all the things available through it. If you’re like me and you love that site, but you’re a bit stumped because of all the possibilities, check out Patricia Tiffany Morris .  She has a beautiful page there with amazing boards, and she even has videos on how to use Pinterest and other sites. Good stuff. Bethany Jett and Edie Melson are two more people with fabulous pages.

One day I was on there on the business side of things—the Business Hub. They had a promo for doing an ad. It was $30 and for that, you got ten days of promos for one of your pins. That’s just $3 per day for ten days. Less than a cup of Starbucks (I don’t drink coffee) per day.

My views had been close to 60,000, but because I had to stop and do my book launch, I didn’t have the time to spend keeping up with all those boards. (Frankly, I have way too many, and it’s my intent to shut down some of the lesser viewed ones.) My monthly views fell to around 11,000. Yep. That can happen seemingly overnight.

But that one ad made them rise again to around 30,000 in just a matter of a couple of days. I looked this morning and the views are almost 54,000. And that is with me doing minimal work these days. That may not sound like a lot since some people have over a million monthly views. For me, this is a great number.

This is just my way of saying, don’t be afraid to take a chance on something you may not fully understand. That leap of faith paid off. As I said, Pinterest is where my readers hang out, and Pinterest is for everyone.

Pinterest is for Everyone - Reach Your Audience Share on X




    The Conversation

  1. Debbie says:

    Sally Jo, Possibilites are almost limitless. Good thing is, you can pick whatever pin you wish to promote. I did one with my book launch info. I love Pinterest. I wish I had more time to hang out there. Such a fun and colorful site filled with all manner of info. Thanks for reading!

  2. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Good information. Possibilities are endless aren’t they?

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