News and Catching Up

By Debra DuPree Williamas @DDuPreeWilliams

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Facebook recently announced that they will be making some pretty major changes that will affect authors and how we communicate with our readers. Well, my author page and my launch group are where I stay connected with some of you. We’ve been advised to do this so, most authors I know are trying to get all their friends to send them, via a private message, their email.  That is just to stay connected with our readers. Without you, we and our work go nowhere. Besides, we genuinely like you. So, go find your favorite authors and make sure they can get in touch with you, and vice versa.

If you want to stay connected with me, and I hope you do, please make sure you sign up for my newsletter or PM me your email.

Because you are faithful readers, I thought I’d do some WIP (work in progress) catching up with you today.


Book two in my Charlotte Graves Mystery series is titled Grave Decisions. It opens in the familiar surroundings of the conservatory at Rose Haven. Charlotte has just gotten used to the idea of Miss Marge being her grandmother, Mama’s birth mother. Out of the blue, Miss Marge makes a huge request of her. Before she can answer, surprise barges in with a bang.

You will not believe who bursts in. And oh, what claims they make, never mind their rude behavior.

Grave Decisions takes off from there. Charlotte is off on another fact-finding mission to prove or disprove some of the statements that come from the mouth of the intruder. Are they who they say they are? How to prove it? How will that affect Charlotte and her family? And even Rose Haven?


In book two we’ll get to know a few characters from book one a bit better. And some new people arrive on the scene. One of the storylines is so fun to write. Well, they all are, but I just love this particular one. I do hope you will, too.

Familiar faces are still around. Miss Marge, who has a new name in book two, is still presiding over beloved Rose Haven. George is still in his little cottage. For now. Mama is hanging out more at her home in this one, but she has a new job, too. Serena is still in charge of The Copper Pot. Roan is still the deputy. And Tank is out and about trying to preserve the peace of little Loblolly. Of course, Charlotte can’t go sleuthing without Cousin Fee. I just adore Fee. And Oreo has wound her little self around the hearts of everyone she meets.

One of my favorite parts of Grave Decisions is a subplot that features the Lanier family again. I do hope you’ll be intrigued by it. It may seem farfetched but just wait. All will be explained.

I’m off to do a few more edits. Until next week, stay safe and ponder how things are in Loblolly. Surely do wish I were sitting in one of the rockers on the front porch right about now. Sigh.

Blessings, y’all!

News and Catching Up @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #GraveDecisions Share on X

If you’d like to read Grave Consequences, Book One in the Charlotte Graves Mystery Series here is a link to purchase it. Apparently, it’s on sale. Yay!


    The Conversation

  1. Sally Pitts says:

    Love the way you share your author’s mind as you build your new book.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Sally Jo, I’m glad you do. I’m not always sure I’m doing all the right things in the right order, but somehow, it all seems to come together. Thanks for reading!

  2. Patricia Tiffany Morris says:

    Keep pressing on! I can hardly wait. But wait. Of course I’ll have to wait until you publish. Enjoy the edits and the process.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Patricia, thanks! I’m changing so many things, I hope I can get it out there in the next few months. The process isn’t always easy. This particular story begged to go in a different way. So, here I am in the midst of all the changes. Thanks for reading!

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