NaNoWriMo-If I Can, You Can

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
I’ve been in the middle of something for the past nine days I never thought I’d do. I joined those working on NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. The idea is to get 50,000 words on the page during the month of November.
While I have no clue whose original idea this was, it isn’t a bad one. There are many people out there who feel they have a book inside them, but they don’t have the initiative to get it done. Or to even begin. NaNoWriMo offers them an opportunity to join the many who do this each year. NaNo as I call it, offers words of support, badges of achievement, and even personalized closed groups one may join that will be comprised of people you know all cheering you on.
Well, I came late to the party this year. I wasn’t going to do this, but something kept nagging at me, Holy Spirit, would be my guess. So, on November fourth, a full four days after all the smart ones did so, I joined for the first time.
Let me tell you. It was a challenge. Now, y’all know I’m not a techie. I’m sure those words have been written here and in other posts more times than you care to hear. Guess what? Me, too. I get tired of saying that to myself. Just signing up was a challenge. The site was to this grandma (DD, actually) almost a no-go. It was not user friendly in my humble opinion. I posted on FB that I tried, but the site was too difficult to understand, and I was throwing in the towel.
Within minutes, a group of writers contacted me and invited me to their group. The next day, my social media coach walked me through some of the parts that were causing me the most trouble. Long story short, I may not understand all the entities and bells and whistles, but I can do what I need to do and that is to post my words each day.
Good Samaritans
After I post them to the NaNo page, I go to the private group, my good Samaritans, and post them there. I try to leave encouraging words to those on that site.
This is my way of saying, accept challenges. Things aren’t always going to be easy. You may have to learn a few new things to get to the ultimate goal. But along the way, if you are blessed as I’ve been, you will find good Samaritans who will stop and take the time to minister to you. And you’ve gained new skills. What a bonus.
If you’ve ever felt the call to write, maybe next year, if not before then, you will join NaNo. Did you know you may join at any time? It doesn’t have to be just in November. This is a non-profit organization that encourages you at any time on this journey. And even if you don’t join a group like that, there are lots of groups out there for writers. I love my Word Weavers International group. They have chapters all over the world with new chapters opening almost weekly.
Sticking With It
I’m thankful that I decided to stick with this, as in nine days I’ve written a total of 19,221 words. Add those to the almost 12,000 words I’d already written, and I’ve got a good start on book two in my Charlotte Graves series. I’m very happy about that.
To those of you on this NaNo journey this year, I’m so proud of you. If this is your first novel, my goodness, you are so brave. You can do this. I write from a Christian world view, so I believe that this is a calling that God placed on your heart. And like the old saying, If He brings you to it, He will get you through it.
Sit down, pray over the thoughts and words He’s laying within your very soul, and get those words on that page. One after the other. Before you know it, you’ve written an entire book. I have a dear friend who did that very thing last year. She will be published soon, without a doubt. Jeremiah 29:11
And if this DD can do it, so can you.
Have you ever felt that tug to sit down and write the story within you? What are you waiting for? Find community and go do it. Let us know how it’s going. We will be your cheerleaders from first word to The End.
NaNoWriMo - If I Can, You Can @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #encouragement Share on X
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