My Aunt Emelia – By Any Other Name

As I write this, Jodi Picoult’s newest book, By Any Other Name, was released into the world. My sweet hubby gave it to me for our 51st anniversary which was last Sunday, and it should arrive soon. Here is a link for her book:

You may have seen some of my posts about this book lately. I’ve liked and commented on Jodi’s FB page as she’s promoted it. I’m happy to help get the word out.

See, the subject, Emelia Bassano Lanier is my ten-times great-aunt. Her sister, Lucrece Bassano is my ten-times great-grandmother. I know you’ve heard this before, but the world needs to know what I’m sure will be revealed in Ms. Picoult’s book. And I cannot wait for you to hear some of the things. I’ve heard many in videos I’ve watched of Jodi talking about her research. You are going to have your socks knocked off. Fiction? Yes – but based on truth

Even four hundred years ago, Aunt Emelia expected the world to one day know.  In her works, until now, attributed to Shakespeare, she left many, many clues as to the identity of the actual authors of the totality of those works. She and her family including her uncles and her father Baptista Bassano were the ones who created those works. Many believe she wrote all the sonnets.

I’m comfortable saying that because it only makes sense when you know all the things I, noted scholars, and now Ms. Picoult know about her and her background. When you know these things, after reading By Any Other Name, you will likely agree with us, unless you are a die-hard Shakespeare fan like our youngest son. I can’t convince him no matter what I say.

My Aunt Emelia - By Any Other Name @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #EmeliaBassanoLanier Share on X


I’m not going to spoil her book for you, but I will tell you, the Bassanos were originally from Spain and were Sephardic Jews. They practiced Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism, and were merchants, (Antonio Bassano was known as The Merchant of Venice, yes, outside of the play) since they were Kabbalists, they were familiar with many aspects of science and the arts. They were businessmen, musicians, artists, jewelry makers, and writers. Go here to learn about the Cheapside Hoard.

Aunt Emelia published a book of poetry in 1611 titled, Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum.  This book is available on Amazon. I’ve had a copy for quite a few years now. It was re-published in the 1990s with Susanne Woods as editor. It is enlightening.


The books that truly brought me to my conclusions are those written by Dr. Peter D. Matthews, Shakespeare Exhumed, The Bassano Chronicles, and Genesis of the Shakespearean Works. His research in these books is well-cited. His discoveries are things anyone could find, but certain groups or people would have a lot to lose if it were to be determined that Shakespeare wasn’t Shakespeare.  They continue to keep these discoveries out of the public eye.

SPAIN TO ITALY TO ENGLAND AND BEYOND (like little ol’ me here in NC)

During the Spanish Inquisition which was from 1478-1834, particularly in the early years, Jews were forced to convert or flee the country, thus the Bassanos fled to Bassano Del Grappa, (now Bassano Del Grappa) a part of Venice.  The Bassanos met the Laniers when the Laniers went from France to England when many were called to be musicians in the court of Henry VIII and subsequently, Queen Elizabeth I. Their story is fascinating. My second cousin, eight times removed, became the Master of the King’s Music in the court of Charles I.

Even before my first novel, Grave Consequences was published in 2020, I began working on book two in the Charlotte Graves Mystery Series, Grave Decisions, and I will release this fully edited book shortly. You will run across my Aunt Emelia in this book. Imagine my surprise when I learned that author, Jodi Picoult was to release a new book about my aunt on August 20, 2024. What a coincidence. Except, I call this a God-incidence. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. What are the odds?

I hope you read Jodi’s book. I can’t wait to dive in. And, if you’d like to read mine, I’d love to share what I have to say about Aunt Emelia in my fictional tale. You will find information on my website soon.

Thank you to all who wished Hubs and me a happy 51st anniversary. It was a good day.

Blessings, y’all!


Lovely! I hope you enjoy this short little piece. This was composed by Nicholas Lanier, the Younger, my 2nd cousin, eight times removed. He was Master of the King’s Music in the Court of Charles I and II. When I first saw his portrait by Van Dyck, I almost fainted. He looks exactly like our third son. Even the hands are the same. Like his older brother, Christopher, and his younger brother, Daniel, Adam is a musician and plays French horn and bassoon. All three of those boys are bassoonists. Eldest brother, Ken, plays drums and guitar. All are extremely musical. I wish you could hear them sing together. Friends would marvel as our family joined in multi-part harmony to sing Happy Birthday. The boys frequently sing Karaoke together. It’s in the genes!!



    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    Wow! This is so exciting! And fascinating. I am amazed at the research you have done to figure everything out. Can’t wait to read your new book

  2. Joni says:

    Great blog, Debbie. I am looking forward to your next book.

  3. Tim Richards says:

    Exciting stuff, Debbie. And I’m glad you and Hubs had a great anniversary!

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