Look Before You Leap – An Apology to My Dear Readers

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about a book coming out about my ten-times great aunt. This book was written by a popular author of secular fiction. I was so excited because it was about my aunt, after all.

There was the possibility that the author would suggest that my aunt and her family could be the real authors of the works attributed to Shakespeare. I came to this conclusion, not by reading the book, but only from interviews with her about the book either online or in print. In my excitement for the world to know what I’d concluded by doing my research over the past fifteen years, I recommended this book to you.

I had not read this book, and yet I was recommending it to you, my dear readers.

Therein lies the problem.

Lesson learned—never recommend a book you haven’t read. In other words, look before you leap.  If you want to read more about the woman who could be Shakespeare, I still recommend reading Dr. Peter D. Matthews’ books.


My sincere apologies to you, dear readers.  If you are a person who doesn’t want to read fiction that isn’t Christian or even clean, this isn’t for you. This book could contain triggers for you in words or subject matter. I am so, so sorry.

Fewer than one hundred pages in, I had to stop. I simply could not.  When I showed the last paragraph I’d read to my husband,  he told me I shouldn’t read any further. I’m glad he shared his opinion. We agree on that.


Most of my readers are Christians and if not, they are still people who enjoy good, clean fiction. I must say, I’d been told this author’s work was secular and dark but I didn’t know of her style and word usage as I’ve never read anything written by her before.

Because I read only Christian fiction and Christian non-fiction, I hadn’t read this author. I know I have friends who enjoy this author’s work, but I’d never read it and had no idea what it could or might include.

So, let me apologize again and say, if you are offended by certain kinds of language, or you have situations that could be trigger points, then this book is not for you. It isn’t Christian or even clean.

Look Before You Leap - An Apology to My Dear Readers @DDuPreeWilliams #MyApologies #LookBeforeYouLeap #BookRecommendation Share on X


I truly wanted to read this author’s telling of my aunt’s life story. Since I already knew all about her, there was no point in continuing. You must be the one to decide if this book is for you. I know some who say it’s just words, and it is, but they could be words you don’t wish to see.

I promise I’ll never recommend a book again, no matter who it may be about, without first reading it. Thank you for understanding.

Blessings, y’all!


Do y’all know this young man? I didn’t but I like his voice. Nice song. We’ve all needed to be forgiven and to forgive at some point in our lives. It isn’t always easy. With God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).


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    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    Thanks for sharing your story with this book. I love to know if a book is “clean” or not and not waste my money on a book I will end up throwing in the trash or burning. I detest smut.

    Creating a retraction on your blog shows your heart and integrity. You are an inspiration to us all for standing firm. Thank you!!!

  2. Joni says:

    Thank you for letting us know, Debbie. And I understand your desire for others to know your family’s history. I appreciate your posts each week, and know that you always write heartfelt words. Prayers and blessings!

  3. Tim Richards says:

    Thank you so much Debbie for your heart and willingness to take care of “stuff” like this. I think we all know this was an innocent, well-intentioned suggestion. You are being a great example of going “above and beyond” in caring for us.