Let Your Voice be Heard

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Greetings to all my friends. I want to thank you for so faithfully reading my blog posts. Words cannot express how deeply I appreciate each one of you.
I didn’t enter this writing world lightly. I began writing when I was a child. I poured over Childcraftbooks and tried my hand at poetry from the time I could write. When I was in the seventh grade, I wrote my first novel. But then, life took over. I went away to college, got married, had kids and didn’t really write during those later years until those kids went to school.
Poems, Picture Books, and Novels
Mind you, I wasn’t writing for me, I was helping four boys write poetry. They didn’t care much for having to learn all those terms and writing in the style of those who had gone before them. I made it a challenge. Let’s see who can write the best poem in this style. Thus, a lot of poems were written. I wrote my own as they wrote and we learned from one another.
Fast forward to grandchildren and I began to write for them. Now, I have a few picture books inside boxes in the attic. Then God opened doors. I have a novel which is about to be published and I have this blog, all because of answering a call to write. For Him.
This is for You
My question for you is, what would you like to see me write about? After all, this blog is for you. The information I give you herein is solely for you. Whether that is to entertain you, to inform you, or to challenge you. It’s for you.
I think you can tell my interests lie mainly in four areas, genealogy, writing, essential oils, and cooking. My knowledge isn’t limited to those areas. If you ask for something with which I’m not familiar, then it gives me a chance to learn something new.
Even though I consider myself to be an amateur genealogist, and I am, I do know a bit about how to find one’s roots. I can tell you where to begin and what to search for and where to search. I even know just a bit about DNA testing.
The writing world is new to me, but I can share what I know about certain aspects of that. My journey is one rooted in faith. If you feel the call, I can tell you where to begin, and I can encourage you whether you are a novice or an old pro at this.
Essential oils have been a part of my life for at least twenty to thirty years. My sister worked in a health foods store where she learned about them and shared her knowledge with me. I use them to clean our home as I’m allergic to everything under the sun, or so it seems at times. Their uses are many, and I can share recipes and remedies with you if you’d like that.
Cooking is something I’ve done since I was very young. When I was about nine or ten, my sister was away in college, Mama worked at the store with Daddy, so meals fell to me. They were too tired to come home and cook. And why should they have to when I was perfectly capable of preparing meals? I’m a very good Southern cook. I just don’t do as much as I once did.
So, what is your pleasure? As always, whatever I write will likely have a story of faith to go along with it.
Let your voice be heard. Join the conversation.
Let Your Voice Be Heard @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith Share on X
The Conversation
Debra,I will enjoy anything you choose to share…this was a great post!
I enjoyed this so much, Deb! Based on the title of your blog, why not write about all the things you like to share — with a southern touch? I'd like to read it and I doubt I'm alone. 🙂