It’s AI Again . . . Just Go Away!

When in the world will AI leave us alone? I logged into my computer to write this week’s blog post and the first thing that pops up is a message from Word 365 that there is an AI support available to help me write my post.

Hello! I’m a writer. I don’t need any robot who thinks it may know my mind and heart to write a post for me. Or a book review, my books, or anything.


Just go away!


Here’s the thing. I’m human. I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. Like every other human, I’m flawed. I’m a sinner. But I happen to be a born-again Jesus-Follower who has a heart and a mind centered on Christ.

Having to have help to write anything, when I have within me the ability to communicate with the gifts God imparted to me, seems ludicrous. And unnecessary.

There are programs out there that help with editorial things, like making sure your grammar is correct, or things like—that should be a semi-colon and not a comma. To me, that’s a bit different than using AI to actually write my work for me. This is what I’m talking about here. Not the little editorial things like Grammarly or ProWritingAid do, but the actual composition of our works.

It's AI Again . . . Just Go Away! @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #AI #IdRatherDoItMyself Share on X


In fact, I know of no writers who use AI for any of their work. At that point, it isn’t theirs anymore, is it? And what kind of artificial emotions could a robot put into one’s work that can surpass the thoughts and emotions God gave to those of us who write for Him?

My apologies to those of you who think AI is the be-all, do-all. No, I take that back. I don’t need to apologize because I don’t use it and will not. But if that is what you want to do, then have at it. It simply isn’t for this gal.

Thank you, but I’ll use the gifts and abilities God granted to me to form ideas, no matter how poorly I may present them. At least I know that when I write, I’ve asked God to be in the midst of my thoughts and in my heart as my words flow onto the page.

I don’t know of a single bot that can do that.

Thank you, Lord, for showing up when I sit down to write. My words may not be profound, but I know You are here in this room with me and that You’ve never let me down. I pray that my work and words will glorify You.


How about you? What are your thoughts on AI for writing? Do you use it. Defend your position if it doesn’t align with mine. No one will be rude or argumentative. It’s simply stating a position and one’s feelings on the matter. No judgment.

Blessings, y’all!

This has become the song I’ve sung most often since age 16. I sang this at the funerals of both of my parents. Greater far . . . than tongue or pen can tell!!! Perfect for writers.



    The Conversation

  1. Tim Richards says:

    I agree with you Debbie. I would not use AI to write what I would call my original work, because I believe it would not then be my work. I will say this, though. I produced a 27-page Bible study and I wanted to break it into three one-hour classes. Just messing around, I gave AI the first nine pages and asked it to give me a summary of the study for those first nine pages and it did a great job at that. It gave me a one-page summary with a very good sense of what I intended.

  2. Joni says:

    Thanks for the post, Debbie. I would not use AI for my writing. And as far as I know, AI cannot be copyrighted (because it essentially has drawn from all of the writing ever published – which is already copyrighted under the respective author). So, if a person uses AI to write a piece, they can’t legally copyright it and call it their own.

  3. Jane H Green says:

    I totally agree with everything you said. I also love how you said it!❤️ Great blogpost!!

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