In His Hands – One Writer’s Journey

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Way back in 2014, when I first began this writing journey, I went to the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference for the first time. It was an awesome, life-changing experience. It was there I heard for the first time, You are a writer. I sent up a quick prayer of thanks and ended with – This journey is in Your hands, Father God.
I spent the better part of that week in awe and wonder. Awe over all the authors who were there. I’d read their books. Had followed them on Facebook. And here I was, right in the midst of them. I think my mouth was open in wonder all week. Wonder about what on earth was I doing there with all these gifted authors.
Only God.
In 2016, I began writing this blog, posting things I thought would benefit my readers. My early posts were mostly about my family and how they had influenced my life.
As I gained more knowledge of writing, I shared a few things I learned along the way. I realize not all who read my posts are writers, but some of the things shared could possibly help you get a better handle on social media or some aspect of writing that has bugged you your entire life.
On this journey, I’ve finally mastered farther, and further, thanks to Eva Marie Everson’s teaching. Believe me, you will never get these two mixed up again. Farther is always, always distance. Her house is farther down this street than mine. Further is a concept, as in—Further to the point.
But I digress. But I do hope you enjoyed that little lesson.
My debut novel was made better by the helping hands of more experienced writers than I. The late Yvonne Lehman is one of many. She invited me to join her critique group. One Saturday afternoon a month, she opened her home and her heart to new writers. I’m so grateful and blessed to have been one of her Sugars.
Another of those writers who stepped up to help me is Eva Marie Everson. She is a phenomenal writer and teacher, and a gifted Bible scholar. I’ve learned so much by being in her classes and from sitting beneath her teaching as my writing coach and editor. I’m forever grateful.
All these experiences led to my writing Grave Consequences, A Charlotte Graves Mystery. I took it to Yvonne’s critique group, and I had many phone calls with Eva Marie during the editing process. Along the way, it won its fair share of awards, including second place in Foundations in 2017. This is at BRMCWC and is open to unpublished writers. This conference begins this Sunday, May 30.
Grave Consequences was published in July 2020.
In His Hands - One Writer's Journey @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith Share on XBUT GOD
This year at BRMCWC, Grave Consequences has been named a Director’s Choice finalist. To say I’m shocked and humbled is the understatement of the year. The other finalists are such gifted, wonderful writers. To have my book there amongst theirs is . . . well, it’s left me speechless. Any of you who know me well know I’m never speechless.
All this to say, God knows the desires of our hearts before we know them. He led me to Blue Ridge before I even knew I wanted to write. Before I knew I wanted to write for Him. He placed so many people in my path to help me on this journey. I won’t name them, there are far too many. This journey is all but impossible without encouragement and good teaching.
Then there are friends I never imagined having. Those who’ve heard my heart when it was hurting, who came alongside me with prayers and unconditional love. You know who you are. I love you all so much.
Whether Grave Consequences wins this award or not, I and all the other nominees are already winners. God opened so many doors. He placed amazing authors and teachers in my path. And He gave me friends who are like family, some who even are family, when I had no clue how much I’d need them one day. My writing journey has always been in His hands.
My heart is overflowing with gratitude. I deserve none of these things.
But God.
Blessings, y’all.
My sister and I sang this together when we were young girls. We still sing it when we’re together. May our prayer always be, Not my will, but Thine be done.
The Conversation
Congratulations on being a finalist! Great post and beautiful song.
Thank you so much, Tim. I’m so glad you liked the song. It’s one of my favorites. So many memories.