Comparison Trap – Be Authentically You

Firstly, let me apologize for missing last week’s blog post. My husband and I have been battling Covid for the past couple of weeks. As of yesterday, we were still positive, but the good news is, we both feel so much better. I know you understand the need to step back for a few days.

One of the regular things we do is to follow plans on the YouVersion Bible app. If you’ve never done this, they have daily devotions which cover a variety of subjects. Anger, love, anxiety, hope, depression, fear, peace, stress . . . you get the idea. If you’re going through it, they have a plan to help you.

During the first outbreak of Covid in 2020, we discovered these plans and we both found them beneficial. In the past three years, we’ve suffered many losses, and being in God’s Word daily and having these plans to guide us proved to be a great spirit-lifter.


This morning, I was in a plan that spoke to comparing our lives with the lives of those around us. We all do this and it can be so damaging to our spirits. This particular plan came from Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, My Big Fat Mouth. Day two talked about the comparison trap. Here are some Bible verses he used to emphasize his point-Romans 9:20, 2 Corinthians 10:12-13, Ephesians 4:7, Psalm 139:14-15.

As an author, it’s easy to fall into a comparison trap. We see those around us getting multi-book contracts, or winning award after award for their writing, and we often wonder why them and not me?

Comparison Trap - Be Authentically YOU @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith #WritingCommunity Share on X


See what I mean? So easy to fall into that trap.

We need only log onto any social media app to experience what I’m talking about. But social media isn’t real, for the most part. The people there are putting forth every effort to make their lives appear to be perfect. After all, who wants to see real, authentic people, huh?


But when we write, we write for Him. And He has called us to be our unique, authentic selves, warts and all.

Here’s a case in point from my own life. A friend shared an app with me, FaceTune. I’m sure there are others out there, but this is the one I used. This app wipes years off one’s face by taking away all wrinkles and blemishes, and it even whitens one’s teeth.

I thought, what a great thing! So, I began touching up all my photos before posting.

Until . . .

My eldest son pointed out that when people meet me, they will think I’m this 40-50-something woman instead of the 70-something I am. I was putting forth a false image rather than being pleased with the authentic one God had given me.

I wasn’t being authentic.


And why should I compare my writing journey with anyone else’s? The journey I am on is the one God saw for me before the beginning of time. He knows exactly which things I write will be read, will help someone, and how, when, and if that happens.

My only job in all this is to be obedient.

When I am confident in the things I write, knowing that all I write is to His glory, there is no room for comparison. I’m writing the stories and posts He has laid within my heart.

And here’s one final thing. I write in the Christian arena. All my writing friends are also members of this close-knit family. When one of us has victory, it is a win for the Kingdom. So why ever envy or compare ourselves to anyone else? Any win is a win for God.

So, go out there today and write the stories, blog posts, devotions God has laid on your heart. No one can tell it the way you can. And when you win, we will all rejoice with you, because we’re all in this for the Kingdom and for His glory.

Blessings, y’all!


Since Sunday is Palm Sunday, I’m sharing this with you. I love Jessye Norman. She and Kathleen Battle did a duo concert at Carnegie Hall many years ago. This is from that concert. Yes, this is another arrangement I’ve sung many times. How I wish I could still do this. But, I am content with my second voice, the gift of words. Y’all, I had NO idea I could write. I’m not one of those people who ever dreamed of doing such. I was a vocalist. Period. But God had other plans for me. I’m so thankful for the gifts He gave to me, and I’m forever humbled by them. Blessings to each of you as we celebrate Palm Sunday while our hearts look forward to Friday and then, glorious Resurrection Sunday! Thanks be unto Him Who giveth us the victory!!!  Ride on, King Jesus!!


    The Conversation

  1. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Yes, obedience to what we are urged to write is what we should focus on! Good post.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Sally Jo,
      Thank you. Yes! Just be the best you can be.
      It begins with faith and obedience.

  2. Joni says:

    Thank you for the reminder that all I have to do is be the me God created. Always helpful. 🙂

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Yes. We’re all fearfully and wonderfully made individuals.
      And He loves us so much, He died for us!

  3. Ginger Solomon says:

    Thanks, Debra. Definitely needed this right now.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I’m so glad it filled a need for you. I hoped you’d come read it.
      Always here to encourage. It’s one of my gifts, for sure. I’ll
      always be in your corner. Here anytime you need me. Reach out
      any time!


  4. Jane H Green says:

    This was such an encouraging post! Thank you Debbie!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you so much. We never know how God will use our words.
      As I said in this post, our job is to be obedient.
      Love you and I’m keeping you in my prayers.

  5. Melissa Henderson says:

    Yes, be authentic. God created each of us with unique qualities and gifts. I pray we all use those qualities and gifts to share His love. 🙂

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Yes! Each of us is unique, made in His image to do His work that we may glorify Him.
      I pray in agreement with you. How is Allen? I came home with Covid. Doing better, but
      it hasn’t been easy. Thankful for His grace and mercy through this.

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