When Is it Okay to Say No

I’m one of those people who likes to keep things on an even keel, keep all in the boat happy. As a result, I often overextend myself. I take on way too many things at once. When is it okay to say no?

Sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed by all the things on my plate. Typical. Most of my life I’ve taken on more than I should at any given time.

Recently, my debut novel had its launch. Since this was my first, I knew there were things I had no clue how to do. Even things I didn’t know to do. A dear friend poured all her knowledge into me. Was I satisfied with that?


Rather than take her excellent suggestions and let those be enough, I signed up for a thirty-day book launch class. It began on June 1. My book launched on July 14th. Do you see a problem here?

Yeah. I’m that girl.

The content of the classes was exceptional, but it took all I could do to handle the homework and manage all the things associated with my launch. But, after paying for it, no way was I going to ignore the work assigned for each day.

I struggled to keep up. Some things came easily to me, but others simply didn’t. At this age (I’m a grandma), tech things give me a run for my money. So many of the things we must do, just to be in the writing world, let alone do a book launch, require good tech skills. If not for my son who handles all the behind-the-scenes things, I’d be lost. And I do mean, wandering-in-the-dessert-for-at-least-a-few-years lost.

In the midst of all this, edits on book two of my Charlotte Graves series are screaming at me,
Hey, don’t forget about your friends in Loblolly. My TBR (to be read) pile of books authored by dear friends grows exponentially with each passing day. https://amzn.to/2Zn9JVM

Throw in unexpected health issues which had to be addressed immediately, a son’s birthday which coincided with launch day, and an anniversary . . . well, life took over.

As I sat at my computer working on edits, it occurred to me that I have a blog due tomorrow. So, here I am penning this. As Charlotte would say, Pickled bricks!

That’s pretty much the story of my life. I do too much all the time. But, I have to accept that that is how God made me. I’m not a planner. I don’t keep a calendar (that chore goes to my hubby, thank God for him). He keeps me focused on those things that must be done. Such as the reminder about fifteen minutes ago that I needed to cook the enormous package of chicken or we’d be throwing it out.


Well, I won’t say no to cooking the chicken. As my beloved mother-in-love often said, You gotta eat.

Excuses are too easy. I make none, as I know all these regular things must be done. The friend’s books will have to wait a while. I have obligations to a couple, but other than that, they’ll just have to wait, no matter how much my heart longs to read their excellent words.

Such a small word … no.

So, when is it okay to say no?

That’s up to the individual. Each of us has our own set of priorities. We know how much we can take on at any given time.  I’m thankful to have Holy Spirit and a good husband here to keep my head above water. But sometimes, we need reminders, like hubby’s gentle nudge to cook the chicken.

No worries, Love. I’ll go pop those skinned thighs into the oven for tomorrow’s supper. Tonight, we’re having fifteen-bean soup.

Surprise! I remembered to get it out this morning.

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When is it okay to say no? @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #womenwhodotoomuch Share on X


    The Conversation

  1. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Your life as a muddled writer sounds ooh sooo familiar…

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Sally Jo, Yes! And you know all too well. You took that same class I mentioned. So much work. Always something new to learn or do in order to keep up in the writing world. As my friend said in her comment, balance is key. Sometimes it’s just hard to do that. That’s when we hit our knees and ask for Divine help! I know I do. Thanks, my friend.

  2. Paula Sweat says:

    Thanks for the good reminder that it’s ok to say “No” sometimes. It goes against my nature but necessary to keep balance in my life.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Paula, I’m the same way. I have a hard time saying “no”. But, for our own mental and physical health, we need to sometimes. Yes, balance is the keyword. Thanks for reading. Love you, my friend.

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