A Plan With Concrete Goals

As a writer, I often come across things that apply to all of us, not just those who write. Do you keep a journal? You’re a writer. Do you write little poems for your kids or grands? You’re a writer. Do you leave love notes or poems for your spouse? You’re a writer. Do you write copy for your company? You’re a writer. The bottom line is if you write just about anything at all—you’re a writer.

Today, I found in my email a post that came from one of the most highly-regarded Christian agencies out there, The Steve Laube Agency. If you don’t follow it and you are a writer, this new year is an excellent time to take advantage of all the sage advice which comes from the people associated with this agency.

Today’s post was from a podcast hosted by Thomas Umstattd. In it, he interviews Mary DeMuth about her new year planning goals. No matter where you may find yourself in these early days of 2023, we all need a plan for going forward. Especially if we wish to be fruitful for the Kingdom.


I’ve wasted so many valuable hours in the past almost three years. True, sometimes life’s circumstances bring us to a place where we need to just breathe. Pause. Take a second look. Pray. Surrender. Pray. Weep. Pray. Grieve. Pray. Pull ourselves together. Keep praying through it all.

Plans? None of my life events for the past three years were planned. At least not the devastating, challenging, heartbreaking, life-altering events.

I hadn’t planned any of them.


I planned a book launch. Thanks to a precious friend, that went off without a worry, even in the midst of the do we wear a mask or not?; do we vaccinate or not?; do we isolate or not? scenario that had become our lives in 2020. I also planned to publish a second and even a third book in subsequent months.

I had plans and I had goals, but none of them happened. Not as planned. They took a circuitous route, some, no doubt orchestrated by the devil himself. Let me remind you that spiritual warfare is very real. I’ve been there. I know.


Even in the midst of our most challenging times, if we set concrete goals with a plan in hand, we can accomplish great things for the Kingdom. And never forget that when we have Christ in the center of our lives, He will guide our steps. Two verses come to mind, Jeremiah 29:11 and Proverbs 16:3.  I’m sure you’re thinking of others. Feel free to share those with us.

Yes. Your writing can be used for the establishment and the growth of His Kingdom here on earth.


You may need to follow the blog at the Steve Laube Agency in order to see this. You will find tons of helpful information on that site, links to all manner of classes, and posts to help in your writing journey if that is your chosen path. Search for the Steve Laube Agency Blog. Then look for New Year Goal Planning With Mary DeMuth written by Thomas Umstattd, Jr. At the end of the email, there are links to other helpful sites. I pray this helps you to look forward with clear goals in mind, no matter where your life journey is taking you.

How do you make goals for the new year? Do you manage to keep them? Share your story with us.

Blessings, y’all!

The words of this hymn have been my favorites since I first learned it in 1972 when I became a member of the choir of Independent Presbyterian Church in B’ham, AL. This isn’t the tune we sang, but the words are the same other than the third verse which is new to me. I sing this when I’m stressed about anything. The tune I know is “Was Gott Tut, Das Ist Wohlgetan.” It sounds uppity, but that is the way hymn tunes are named. I hope you enjoy this. The words are wonderful and are perfect for the beginning of a new year or any other of life’s moments.



    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for the info, Debbie! Hope your writing goes well this year.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      You’re welcome. Thank you, and I pray yours goes well, too.

  2. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    I am using the My Book Therapy planner designed for writers and is an excellent guide to help set value-based goals for the year. And I agree you have be flexible because life doesn’t always unfold as planned!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Sally Jo,
      I’ve bought those in the past, but I will admit, I just couldn’t get into it.
      Just a bit too much for me. My calendar seems to work best. And notes in my phone.
      I’m so glad you love this. I have several friends who use that one. I will say,
      they are always gorgeous!

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