When Dreams Come True

This week, a long-held dream came true for our second son, Christopher. For years he has wanted to move from the Tampa, Florida area to western North Carolina.


He arrived at our home, Dad driving his moving truck, on Monday evening. Of course, Akiba, otherwise known as Weenie, proved his loyalty by accompanying Chris on this journey.

Hubby and I are thrilled to have him reside with us while he seeks a permanent place to call home. He spent Tuesday unloading the moving truck into a local storage facility; Tuesday night getting his room and office area set up; and Wednesday doing those things that must be done when one moves. PO Box, driver’s license, insurance in our state, etc.



Christopher isn’t the only one of our sons to see a long-held dream come true. Our eldest son, Ken, has always wanted to be a college professor. This happened for him when he joined the faculty at Georgetown University this Fall. He is teaching a class he created that is about becoming an IT entrepreneur. It was filled the first day.  https://bit.ly/3OQMEoV

Our third son, Adam, is finally working in his favored industry, IT. Y’all he is a genius! He’s more or less my VA (virtual assistant) when it comes to all the techie things I encounter in my writing. He always stops what he is doing when I send him an email that simply reads, HELP.

Son, number four, Daniel, works for a gaming company based in Austin, Texas. He has recently completed his professional demo reel for doing voice-over commercials. He’s very talented! Need a voice actor?  https://bit.ly/3TgWYtj

When Dreams Come True @DDuPreeWilliams #family #WhenDreamsComeTrue #Prayer Share on X



None of these dreams were fulfilled overnight. The first three sons are all in their forties. The youngest is in his early thirties. It takes years sometimes for us to work and prepare ourselves, and educate ourselves, in the areas that call to our hearts.

You will recall that their old Mama was first published at age seventy. Now, my second book will hopefully launch sometime this year. Getting closer every day! https://bit.ly/42UQMdC

Do you have a dream that seems a long time in coming to fruition? My advice is to never give up. Keep it in the forefront of your mind and heart. Keep working, keep praying. It is never, ever too late.

Let me suggest you read Jeremiah 29:11. Yes, I know it is out of context, but the message in the words remains the same. God still knows those plans.  https://bit.ly/49zjfYu

Blessings, y’all!


This Mama has prayed and continues to pray for these boys. I prayed for the dreams they held within their hearts. I’ve prayed for those hearts to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, just as you’ve prayed for your family. Never stop praying, folks. He sees us, He hears us. He loves us so much, He sent His Son to die for us. Blessings, y’all!!


    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    What an encouraging post—to not give up on our dreams. Praying with you for the acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior for all your boys. Love Yah!

  2. Joni says:

    Thank you for sharing and for the encouragement! Happy Christopher is “home” with you.

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