Life in the In-Between

As we enter a new year, many thoughts fill my mind and my heart. For many, 2023 was the worst year of their lives. For others, it held dreams fulfilled and blessings beyond measure.

Our 2023 was one of a bit of both, as it likely is for most of us. We celebrated the good and prayed for better days when the bad ones came along.


So much of my life since 2020 (that awful Covid year, that year of unexpected things, devastating things, life-changing things) has been lived in what I call in-between, or a state of waiting.

But don’t we all live there?


Good days and bad days.

Moments of joy and moments of sorrow.

Triumphs and trials.

This life and Eternity.

Life in the In-Between @DDuPreeWilliams #trust #faith #lifeintheinbetween Share on X


To me, it is in those in-between times I grow closer to God. I lean in more, trusting the distant future and even the next moment to Him. He already knows the number of my days on this earth. As I’m living in those days in-between the day I accepted Him as my Savior and the day He calls me Home, I’ll stay in His Word and do my best to listen to His still small voice.

It isn’t always easy. Some of those days in-between will be hard. Like that day in 2020 when my life changed forever. What Satan meant for evil, God turned into something so good, my husband and I often marvel at His goodness. Though we don’t understand it, we are so thankful for His grace and mercy. We celebrate His faithfulness and His love for us.

If you find yourself in that place of in-between, lean on Him. Whatever you are going through, He wants to walk through it with you. Whether it is good or bad, He wants to be right there where you are. He will celebrate with you; He will weep with you; He will hear every prayer you utter. Holy Spirit intercedes for us with moanings and groanings when life is so difficult you can barely breathe, let alone get out words (read Romans 8:26).

He knows your heart. He sees you.


With everything—including those times of in-between.  Read Proverbs 3:5-6 and Psalm 33:4.


I’ve used this lovely song before, but it was perfect for this. I hope it blesses you. Happy New Year!




    The Conversation

  1. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Blessings for the New Year and all the “in-betweens.”

  2. Joni says:

    Thank you for your thoughts, Debbie. So grateful to God for His faithfulness each moment of my life.

  3. Jane H Green says:

    Loved your post! You shared hope in the waiting:)

  4. Andrea Merrell says:

    Beautifully said. 🙂

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