Cat-egory – An Experiment

Here is an experiment, if you will. I just read a Tweet or is it now an X-clamation? Yes, I just coined that. Elon Musk can thank me later. Anyway, it suggested that if you want to get more followers on Facebook, now Meta, post something about cats.

I’m going to do that as soon as I finish writing this. It’s will be about my latest book Grave Decisions, which happens to have a lovely Tuxedo cat in it by the name of Oreo.

Oreo didn’t come about by accident. When I was a teen or young adult, my cousin had a Tuxedo cat named Oreo, so I named the cat who befriends Charlotte Graves, the main character in my mystery series, Oreo. She is introduced in book one, Grave Consequences.

Oreo is a loving sidekick. She doesn’t really communicate with Charlotte, but she purrs a lot as she is stroked from head to tip of tail. And she takes up nighttime residence on the foot of Charlotte’s bed. Charlotte talks out her heart’s desires with Oreo.

Cat-egory - An Experiment @DDuPreeWilliams #trust #faith #TuxedoCats Share on X


Sometimes we need that don’t we? A silent friend. One who just keeps quiet and listens with us. Sometimes we need to be that friend.

This brings me to two Scripture verses that popped into my mind. One tells us – Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46: 10a, ESV). This was written by the Sons of Korah, not King David.

This Psalm begins with the words, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, (vs. 1a. ESV). It is a reminder that no matter what happens around us, we don’t need to worry or fret, but just be still and put our trust in God for the outcome.

It reminds me to sit in the quiet and listen for God’s still small voice. 1 Kings 19:12 KJV says – and after the earthquake, a fire: but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. If our thoughts are screaming so loudly, if we are not still, how could we hear the quiet message God has for us?

I think these two messages go hand in hand. At least, they do for me. They are just a reminder to me to shut out the world and all of its and my competing voices and sit in the quiet . . . and listen. A friend relates a story about a wise man who told her much the same thing? How can you hear if you are never silent? We have one mouth, but two ears.


So Charlotte stops and listens most often when she is in the sweet cat’s presence. When it is finally quiet other than her soft purrs. This underscores how even fiction can minister to our hearts if we read between the lines.

Want to try this experiment? Post a photo of your favorite cat and see what happens. Remember to spend some quiet time just listening for that still small voice.

Blessings, y’all!


I didn’t know this praise song, but I do know Don Moen. He’s a prolific composer. Enjoy and be blessed!





    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Great analogy and thoughts, Debbie. I’m so thankful when I can get still and listen to God.

  2. Tim Richards says:

    Great post, Debbie. Please let us know how your experiment turns out.

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