A Low-Tech Grandma in a High-Tech World

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams

Okay. I admit it. I’m no techie, especially when it comes to anything social media related, but I think y’all knew that. I’ve taken social media lessons for a while now from the best teacher I know, Edie Melson. Edie is the co-director of a handful of conferences for writers. You know most of my writing story, so you already know I had no idea I needed a writing conference . . . or twenty.

Some social media things have been more difficult than others. I usually do okay if I have things written down step by step. I refer to them when I need to do something I haven’t done in a while, or even if it’s things I do regularly but which have lots of steps. One of the functions I perform weekly has twenty-five separate steps. Now you see why I need to have them written down.
When learning something new, I perform the task while I’m on the video lessons with Edie. But when I’m left on my own, I can’t remember what comes next—unless I write it down. I have to remember to write it down. This morning, we went through a task that was difficult for me. We’d been over this before, long ago and again a month or so ago, but I couldn’t remember the steps. I invariably left out some. Thus, things I should have been doing went undone. Sigh.


So, we went over this again this morning and I performed the task without any questions or prompts from Edie and I did okay with it. I’m happy to say that once we signed off our meeting, I went back to this task and tried it on my own. I faltered in a couple of places, but I quickly realized where I had made mistakes and I corrected myself. One time . . . okay it was twice . . . I had to undo the whole thing and begin again. It was at that point that I wrote down every single step. I’m happy to report that this one has far fewer than twenty-five.


This is just another aspect of writing that most people don’t even think about. You see all the Twitter posts and Facebook posts, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and anything else out there that people do regularly these days, and you don’t even stop to think about how that was done. In my case, I was clueless. I’ve learned how to navigate those swirling waters with many lessons, repeats of those lessons, and a few emergency emails to Edie to say I’m stumped. I had no idea one had to learn so many new things to be a writer in today’s world.


To say that I’ve been blessed by the people God has placed in my path would be one of the biggest understatements in my life. And I’ve lived a long time.
Equipped for the Journey
There have been many times when I wanted to quit because learning so many new things has been a huge curve for me. Friends always come through with words of encouragement, reminding me that I’m not on this journey alone. This is a journey God has placed before me and I know He will walk with me and help me see it through to the end. See what I did there?
When life throws something your way you don’t think you can handle, remember the One who is always there with you. And look to those people He has placed in your path to lend a helping hand or a good word of encouragement when you need it the most.


Edie is one of many people I’ve met along this journey since I first walked into the doors of Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference back in 2014. Since that time, I’ve met countless conference directors, teachers, mentors, fellow writers, encouragers—the list is endless. I owe every one of them a huge debt of thanks.

A Work-in-Progress
I don’t have all the little details mastered, especially of all things social media related. Like my writing, I’m still a work in progress. I’m thankful for those with me on this journey. And that includes you. Thank you for being here and reading my blog posts. It means more to me than I can say.


Do you have trouble with techie or social media things? Share your experiences with us.



A Low-Tech Grandma in a High-Tech World @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #socialmedia Share on X


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