Tagged: Tara Leigh Cobble

  • 8 Things I Learned From Job

    We just completed the book of Job. This is a tough book. It is one of the wisdom books. Written about four hundred years after… Read More

  • Bible Reading Plan – 2022

    My husband and I have begun our third chronological reading of our Bibles. This year, we thought we’d try a different plan. In the past… Read More

  • A Look at Galatians

    This week in the chronological reading of our Bibles, we completed the book Galatians. Now, you’d think I would have figured this out, but it… Read More

  • With Spirit Eyes

    How many times have we read a passage in the Bible and were confused by what we just read? Often, it's the same with hearing… Read More

  • The Bible in a Year – You Can Do This

    By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams If you saw my Facebook post this past week, you know that J and I finished our first time reading… Read More