Tagged: Southern Fiction

  • Turning Fact Into Fiction

    If you are a writer and you don’t know of or don’t follow Jane Friedman, perhaps you should. She always has interesting viewpoints on her… Read More

  • Is Shakespeare, Shakespeare?

    Something to think about—have you ever wondered if Shakespeare was the author of all those plays and sonnets? It’s probably one that came up in… Read More

  • A Life Well-Lived

    This past weekend, my husband and I traveled to Kentucky from our home in North Carolina for the memorial service for a beloved friend in… Read More

  • Finding Your Roots

    Many of you will know that I’m an amateur genealogist. As such, I’m the keeper of the family history, records, and photographs. I don’t have… Read More

  • Book Two Finished – Let the Edits Begin

    Last week I posted on Facebook that I had finally finished book two in my Charlotte Graves Mystery series. I cannot begin to tell you… Read More