Tagged: Prayer

  • Finding Good in Social Media

    As the world seems to spiral down, out of our control, I never fail to find solace in messages posted by friends on social media.… Read More

  • When Life is Busy – Don’t Forget to Pray

    Man, am I late in getting this post written. It’s been a busy, busy week. We just completed the unexpected rebuilding of our back deck.… Read More

  • God-incidences Again!

    This God-incidence upon God-incidence story is too amazing not to share with you in part. It was definitely a Jeremiah 29:11 sort of day, and… Read More

  • When Talking is Hard

    I get all manner of emails. Some of them I expect, others, I have no idea where they come from or even why. So many… Read More

  • The Sinner’s Prayer

    Let me apologize for missing last week’s post. My site was down for a few days due to some changeovers and file migrations. Thank you… Read More