Tagged: John 3:16

  • Death – From Bad News to Good News

    You know how much I love listening to the sermons of Robert Morris. This post is based upon the final of a series of three… Read More

  • Why Do We Love?

    By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams I saw the title question posed on Facebook this week. It prompted deep thoughts. One of the things my husband… Read More

  • Uniquely You

    By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams When King David wrote Psalm 139, he couldn’t have imagined how many times his words would show up on Facebook… Read More

  • Hope in the Midst of Chaos, Rooted in Faith and Family, Relatively Southern, Debra DuPree Williams
    Hope in the Midst of Chaos

    In the midst of life, CoVID came. And then unrest and riots in the streets of some of our cities. Nasty posts on social media.… Read More

  • Child of the Covenant

    During this Coronavirus shelter-in-place edict, my husband and I, like so many of you, have been worshiping with our church online. It has been such… Read More