Tagged: Hope

  • Bear One Another’s Burdens

    Every week in our Sunday School class, we have time for prayer requests and for praises. The praises are the power of prayer at work… Read More

  • Where Do We Go From Here?

    I’ve seen so many posts lately about the decision of the powers-that-be inside the Southern Baptist Convention. Once again, it seems as if the dirty… Read More

  • Hope Is Alive

    I hope you aren’t getting tired of hearing me talk about our chronological reading of the Bible. Honestly, it is one of the best things… Read More

  • Whom Do You Want to See In Heaven?

    By Debra DuPree Williams @ DDuPreeWilliams Y’all know I’m big-time into genealogy. For years, I was the family genealogist. To some, I suppose I still… Read More

  • Disappointed? Don’t Give Up!

    By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams Life is full of disappointments. I’ve had my share lately, the most recent one happening yesterday. I entered my debut… Read More