Tagged: BRMCWC

  • God-incidences Again!

    This God-incidence upon God-incidence story is too amazing not to share with you in part. It was definitely a Jeremiah 29:11 sort of day, and… Read More

  • Encouragement – We All Need It

    Writing is a lonely endeavor. For the most part, we’re alone when we enter our office to sit and put words on the page. Of… Read More

  • Some Helpful Blogs I Follow

    Writers, like all of us, get help from the people God has placed in their paths. Most of the people I know who have websites… Read More

  • Encouragement For All Writers – Jeremiah 29:11

    This week the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference convened in Black Mountain, North Carolina, just over the mountain from where I live. I’m not… Read More

  • Remembering Sissy

    Today, I’m remembering my precious sister. I always called her Sissy.  Sissy went to live with Jesus on November 16th last year. Her given name… Read More