Meet Del Tackett and The Truth Project

We have a lot going on this week. Too much, and on top of that, the schedule for things got pushed back a day. Sigh.

We got just a few new kitchen cabinets three or four weeks ago. They came and put on the new pulls Tuesday. Friday, they will put on the new countertops. They will come on Thursday to remove the stove and disconnect the plumbing–another sigh. Hopefully, the sink will be hooked back on Friday. I feel this could be wishful thinking.

So, this post is short this week. I still have much to do.


My husband is in a men’s Bible study here in our neighborhood. On the recommendation of the group leader, they are studying The Truth Project set of videos by Del Tackett. I won’t go into Dr. Tackett’s bio here. Find him here:

Two things for you—Dr. Tackett was a former president of Focus on the Family Institute. Since my husband’s two sisters and many of our great-nephews and a great-niece either attended, will attend, or are graduates of Auburn University, Auburn is Dr. Tackett’s Alma Mater.

Pardon me but . . . War Eagle!


I have watched the videos with Hubs as he prepares each week. They are so good that I have to let you know about them. The group leader was able to secure group pricing for the men. If you purchase it for yourself, the price will be $80. It seems high, especially these days when a box of cereal is half the size it was a few years ago but is now three times more expensive.

To purchase the videos, go here:

Navigate to his site and fill out a form to pay for the streamed videos.  We watch it on our TV rather than on a laptop or iPad. We did that for 3 weeks and it was okay, but with both of us watching, it wasn’t easy.  Meet Del Tackett and The Truth Project @DDuPreeWilliams #SeekingTruth #TheTruthSetsUsFree #Writing Share on X

The classes are lecture-style to a group in a college lecture hall setting. Maybe forty young adults are in the class. Each class is a tour, with thirteen tours. Tour five is broken into two sessions.  Each class is about fifty minutes in length, and they are thought-provoking. Have a notebook and a pen as you will want to take notes.


If you have questions, feel free to contact me via email. I hope you will let your Sunday School class or Bible study group know about this.

Let me know if you decide to get this and what you think.

Blessings, y’all!

I’ve used this hymn before … more than once. This is a different person singing. And you have the powerful lyrics too. Truth is nothing to mess around with. We can’t afford to cast Him aside.

John 8:32

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    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing the info, Debbie. I’m glad the videos are helpful!

  2. Deena Adams says:

    My husband and I watched The Truth Project back in 2010 and have watched them several times with small groups at our church. Last year, we went to a local church where he was speaking about his new series, The Engagement Project, and got to meet him in person. His teaching is so rich!

  3. Jane H Green says:

    Thanks for sharing great resources for Bible Study!