Staying In and Doing Well

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
How are you and your family holding up during our time of confinement? That used to apply to women who were about to give birth. Now, it’s rather appropriate for all of us.
My husband and I have been in for about two weeks. We just decided we have all we need so there was no need for us to go out. Hubby had somewhat of a premonition about such a time as this a few months ago and we began gathering extra things then. We didn’t go out and hoard, we simply bought extra things on each shopping trip for the past few months. Not enough that we’d be considered hoarders, but enough for us to get by for a few weeks.
Should’ve Listened
Our boys didn’t heed our warnings about needing to have things on hand. Now, they are scrambling to get simple basic foods. At least two of them have found their stores’ shelves bare. They sometimes call Mama when they shop just to ask, what was that you put in that sauce? Or some such. This time, they were calling to ask what to get when shelves are bare.
Well, beggars can’t be choosers as the old saying goes. I told them to get whatever was edible and available. Two sons’ cities are going on lockdown. You don’t go out unless you must go out. No more fun trips to the movies or even to eat out. That ended days ago, but now, everyone must be inside. Not easy when we’ve all grown up in the land of plenty with freedoms, unlike most nations.
So, here we all are. At home. I’m one of the lucky ones. I love being home. I spend a lot of time in my office writing or reading friends’ blog posts or in my favorite chair curled up with a good book. And I happen to like my husband. He’s a really good guy. He’s funny and helpful, and right now, he’s involved in one of my passions, genealogy. So, for me, that’s a win-win. I’ve tried to get him more involved in our family searches for years. And he’s enjoying it.
I try to finish my writing work by dinner time so that he and I spend our evening together watching Netflix or something on Sling. We love British mysteries. No. We don’t have Brit Box, but we’ve talked about it. Maybe soon.
When this first began and we made the decision to stay in, we made one last trip to our grocery store and to Sam’s. Even then, things were difficult to find. But we managed to get enough things to get us through and I spent about three days cooking and freezing it so that I could continue to do my writing work and have my nights free to relax with him.
So, not too far from normal for us. Today, we got out for about an hour and went to our local little neighborhood park. Since COVID-19, we had to cancel things like routine doc appointments and little things like needing a new headshot. Hubby isn’t a bad photographer. They may not be as good as the professional would have done, but hey, at least they don’t look like the me of two years ago. We’ll see what my editor thinks. If she doesn’t like it, the old one will have to do.
Know we’re praying for you, whoever you are, wherever you may be. May God pour out His blessings upon you and yours and keep you safe and healthy.
So, how are you spending these days? Are you staying in? Are you bored yet? Share your days with us. Especially if you have good ideas for something fun done on the home front.
Staying In and Doing Well @DDuPreeWilliams (Click to Tweet)
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