This is My Father’s World – 10 Verses to Give You Hope

I apologize that you are getting this a day late. I understand it is an issue with MailerLite and is nothing I did.

We heard a sermon recently that gave us pause. It certainly reflects many of the issues facing society today. There are two sides to every issue, and most of us have chosen a side.

Since we are Christians, you know the side we will always choose. And since we’ve read the entire Bible a few times, we know how it all ultimately ends.

There are so many hurting people out there today, people without hope. Where will they find hope in a world that seems to be standing on its head, where right is wrong and wrong is right?


The best way I know is to get your hands on a Bible. In it, you will discover that even in the darkest of days, this is still our Father’s world, He is still Sovereign, and He is still in control.

I like to compare what different versions of the Bible say. Some use The Message but it isn’t really a translation of the actual Hebrew or Greek, but a paraphrase of the Bible in contemporary language. I know people who love this one, and that’s fine. I gave this version to two of our four sons. Just be cautious with paraphrased Bibles as they leave room for personal thought and inaccuracies.

However, the paraphrased Bibles may give new or younger Christians a clearer meaning of God’s Word. I’d say, pray about which one you should use.

I’d also get a good Bible commentary and a reference Bible. We have a couple of different commentaries and a few translations with cross-reference verses in the middle of the page. We prefer to use our Bible to explain our Bible. This is called exegesis.

We follow two pastors who preach exegetically—John MacArthur and Voddie Baucham, though there are many more. They always use Scripture to explain Scripture.

This is My Father's World - 10 Verses to Give You Hope @DDuPreeWilliams #hope #faith #ReadYourBible Share on X


Whatever version of the Bible you choose, choose a version you know you will read, and then follow a reading plan that works for you. We used The Bible Recap for three years. It is led by Tara-Leigh Cobble and it follows a chronological plan with daily readings that allow you to completely read the entire Bible in just one year. I highly recommend it. And you may begin it at any point in the year. It doesn’t have to be January 1.

Whatever version of the Bible you choose, choose one you will love delving into each day and learning God’s Word and His character. He loves you so much, He sent His only Son to die for you. John 3:16.

The best gift ever—salvation through the blood of Jesus which gives us eternal life with God, our Father.

Now, go pick a Bible and start reading. There’s no day like today. Let me know how you are doing and what you think. Don’t forget to find a good Bible-teaching church. You will find community there. You are not alone.

While you’re reading, look for these 10 verses that will give you hope. Then go see how many more you can find. Write them on index cards and keep them handy.


Jeremiah 29:11

Romans 15:4

Psalm 147:11

Proverbs 23:18

Psalm 16:9

Romans 15:13

Psalm 62:5-6

1 Timothy 4:10

Isaiah 40:31

Philippians 1:6

I’m praying for you.


Blessings, y’all!




    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Debbie. I’m grateful there are many translations, and I can find one that is easier for me to understand. And as always, God leads me into the understanding He wants me to have when I read.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Yes! Something out there for everyone.
      I love comparing them.

  2. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Isaiah 41:10 is a favorite of mine that helped me through a dark time.

  3. Melissa Henderson says:

    Amen. This is the Father’s world. I rest in the hope found in Him. Have a blessed day! 🙂

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you for reading and commenting.
      Oh, let me ne’er forget!

  4. Marilyn Nutter says:

    Thank you Deborah for the reminders that we have a living hope not wishful thinking.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you for reading and responding.
      Yes! Always hope with Jesus!

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