Hope in the Midst of Chaos

Hope in the Midst of Chaos, Rooted in Faith and Family, Relatively Southern, Debra DuPree Williams

In the midst of life, CoVID came. And then unrest and riots in the streets of some of our cities. Nasty posts on social media. But there is hope in the midst of chaos.

But life goes on. It may be slightly off-kilter, the world seems to have tilted on its axis to a degree where many of us feel we’re about to take the big leap right off the edge.

Many wonder if life will ever be normal again.

The word most repeated in the majority of the above sentences is life.

Like many of you, our lives have been disrupted lately. People we love have been affected by the changes. Some have lost employment, jobs they adored, where they hoped to rise within the ranks. Their happy place away from home.

Other extended family members have had CoVID come knocking at their doors. I cannot imagine how frightened they must have felt at hearing they’d been exposed and must be tested. Then, hearing that test was positive.

Yet other family members, while going about their calling, serving the community they love so much, sharing the love, grace, and mercy of Christ have found themselves knocking on Heaven’s door for mercy, for healing, for the loving hands of God to wrap around them and bring them the Peace He alone can give.

I’ve asked this question countless times in my life. I ask it again. How do people without faith in God get through these times? Who do they turn to? Who will lift them up from the pit and give them hope? Who can promise life after this one here on earth? Are they satisfied with just the life they’ve had here? How? I honestly do not understand.

Even as we gather spiritually as a family, lifting up other family members, we have the hope that Christ gave to us the day of resurrection. The promise, that we, too, will one day gather, with all the saints who’ve gone before us, in the Throne Room, at the feet of God Himself. The Great I AM.

I am so thankful for serving a merciful, loving, gracious God. Even when life on this earth becomes almost more than we can bear, we, as believers are assured of a life beyond this world.

Many have proclaimed that we are living in the end times. Since the beginning of time, man has declared this to be so. I don’t know. I don’t know anyone who does. All we can do is live this life we’ve been given here on earth, proclaiming the Gospel to the world (Mark 16:15).

My hope for all these things to pass away, for life to return to normal, lies solely in my belief in God (Psalm 39:7).

How about you? In whom do you put your trust? In whom do you hope?

If you’re feeling lost and alone and feel that you have no hope, get in touch with me. I’ll be glad to pray with you and share the love of God with you. (John 3:16).

Until next week, blessings, y’all.

Written by Debra DuPree Williams

Grave Consequences is available at your favorite bookseller.


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    The Conversation

  1. Patricia Tiffany Morris says:

    What a lovely reflective article, Debra. I especially like this: “All we can do is live this life we’ve been given here on earth, proclaiming the Gospel to the world.” How true. No matter where we are or what circumstances we find ourselves or our family living though, we have a great God and Savior in Jesus Christ who knows and loves us. Praise the Lord

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you, Patricia. I so appreciate your kind words. Love you, my friend.

  2. Debra DuPree Williams says:

    Thanks to all who read and comment. I really appreciate that. Blessings!

  3. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Love the visual and the message–My hope is in you …

  4. Rusty Chastain says:

    Thanks for the wonderful article reminding us of the Solid Rock upon which we stand❗️That same assurance is available to all who believe.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Rusty, Thank you. I appreciate that. Thanks for being a faithful reader. Blessings!

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