Taking Charge of Your Health

In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson made the month of February Heart Health Month. This act was followed in 2004 by The American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women.
February 2004, is the month I became a grandmother, a DD. It’s also the month in which I discovered I had heart issues. I won’t go into minute details, but a stress test revealed blockage. A heart catheterization was followed by the placement of a stent in the LAD, lower anterior descending, also known as The Widow Maker. Mine was 99% blocked. It truly was God’s miracle-working hand that kept me alive. He created a tiny vessel that grew from one side of the LAD to the other, bypassing the blockage. You can see that on my before and after images.
Since that time, I’ve had numerous tests for various health issues including routine heart examinations of one kind or another. The latest echo revealed a very strong heart with no sign of a heart attack. Another miracle. Thank you, Father!
Eighteen years after my heart disease diagnosis and stent placement, I’m finally taking charge of my health.
Taking Charge of Your Health @DDuPreeWilliams #health #faith #healthyeating Share on XWARNING-WARNING – NOT!
At my age, I have other health issues which brought with them no outward warnings. When I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in May or June 2021, I was in shock. I’d never been told I had stages one or two.
Our very knowledgeable eldest son gave me the best advice ever.
Change your diet, Ma. Go vegan.
Y’all! I’m a Southern girl. I’m a fabulous Southern cook. My fridge boasts not one, but two containers of bacon grease (yes, even to this day). One of our boys’ favorites has always been sesame-seed-coated fried chicken tenders. Hubby loves my fried pork chops with sawmill gravy served with hot, fluffy, homemade biscuits.
Comfort foods are my specialty. My mac and cheese would put some chefs to shame. And cakes and pies? Oh, glory!
This was a challenge for a Southern girl, believe me.
With my supportive hubby by my side, we’re taking charge of our health. Whole hog (pun intended). We Googled Forks Over Knives and I pulled out my FOK book, lying dormant and dusty on a much-overlooked bookshelf. Sigh.
Within three weeks on our new eating plan, my non-fasting blood sugar levels fell from 129 to 81.
I didn’t even know that was possible. My blood sugars had never been that low. They’re so good now that my diagnosis of pre-diabetes has been removed from my charts. Hallelujah!
That was a good start, but recently, my osteoporosis has become almost life-threatening. Just a little fall could result in disastrous results, including death.
This time, that same son suggested I find a physician who is a Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine—FACLM.
Here’s another God-incident. A dear friend and her husband happen to be proponents of WFPB (whole-food, plant-based) diet and lifestyle, and their physician is FACLM.
We know this won’t be easy, but my husband and I would like to have many more years to enjoy one another and our children and grandchildren. They are so worth any sacrifice we make in that area. And as I often tell my husband, it’s only food, and God will be holding our hands every step of the way.
Blessings, y’all.
Have you ever considered altering your lifestyle in such a manner? Getting rid of artery-clogging, kidney-damaging, bone-eating foods and drinks and replacing them with those things that bring optimal health? I’m no physician, so I don’t give medical advice. I can only share with you what we’ve been doing and how we’re stepping up even further on this journey to optimal health.
Know I’m praying for y’all to stay healthy, to make wise choices in all areas of your lives. As you work on getting physically healthy, don’t neglect your spiritual health. Stay in God’s Word daily. Cast your cares. Listen to good music that brings you to your knees before God. Talk with God every day.
I Corirnthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (ESV).
Here are some resources we are using as we step into this new season:
I LOVE Katherine Jenkins! What an amazing voice. Do you know how hard it is to find hymns that have eating or diets in them? I remembered this one. The tune Cwm Rhondda is the Welsh National Anthem. My husband and I both have deep, deep Welsh roots. I know this hymn as Guide Me Oh Thou Great Jehovah. Do you know it? Katherine, featured here, is Welsh. She can even sing in her native tongue. I’ve tried to learn a bit of Welsh. It’s very difficult. I can say Bora da! Good Day.
The Conversation
I have run the gamut of diets… paleo, auto-immune, vegetarian, keto, you name it. I loved hearing your story and determination to make changes. It is a definite work in progress for all of us… until death do we part… from the diets… Ha Ha
Jane, I hear you. I think most women I know have been on the latest, greatest, fastest, easiest, you name it. Getting healthy is what matters.
Would you believe I have the Forks Over Knives cookbook too? I go on occasional healthy eating jags and dust mine off too. You are an inspiration to do better!
Sally Jo, I know many people who’ve gone this route, many in my own family. I should have done this years ago, but it seemed so daunting.
Until I did it. It’s much easier than I expected. It’s not for everyone, but it has worked well for those who can do it and stick with it.
At least those whom I know. Thanks for your kind words.
Sally Jo, I’m no role model, for sure. I’m struggling like everyone else who needs to change things. But we have the Great Physician by our sides and He
makes all the difference. Let me know how you do.
Thanks for sharing your journey. Everyone has to find the healthiest food plan for them – and I’m so happy you found a food plan that works for you!
You are so right. Our bodies are all different and each person requires their own set of guidelines for eating. In my case, I don’t process protein well at all.
But I know many who love going Keto. I can’t do that due to my health issues. But I cheer on getting healthy whatever your path may look like.
You are right. It isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. For instance, with my health issues, I could never do Keto even though I know many
people swear by it. You have to find what works for you and your body type. Thankful I’ve finally figured it out.