Happy 246th, USA!

Next Monday, July 4th, is our great country’s 246th birthday. I hope my math is right. I’ll admit, I totally rely on my husband, the CPA, for such matters. But I did this on paper, so it should be right.
We are so blessed to live in a country in which we have so many freedoms. It is the fact that we are so free that draws and has drawn, so many to seek refuge on our shores.
My own ancestors sought religious freedom and various other reasons for a better life, in the early 1600s. They were met as their boats landed by other members of my family who had long since been here as indigenous people.
The Native Americans are my mother’s ancestors. She died without ever knowing that. But, I’m sure she has knowledge of that now. In fact, I would imagine she’s met most, if not all, our ancestors, no matter where their roots were.
It gives me pause, again, to say that we’re all related. There is one race, human. But many ethnicities. I’m probably like many of you, I have quite a mixture of ethnicities. My DNA test verifies this fact.
According to Ancestry, my ethnicities are England and Northwestern Europe—37%,
Scotland—33%, Wales—14%, Sweden and Denmark—9%, Norway—7%,
Northern Africa—greater than 1%, Sardinia—greater than 1%.
I’ve told you before that my sister and I have different ethnicity ratios. DNA is complicated, and I’m no expert, but I know enough to know that just because the Cameroon and Southern Bantu peoples don’t show up in my DNA, it doesn’t mean it isn’t a part of my heritage. I just didn’t get that segment on the chromosomes. Sis didn’t get the Sardinia or Northern Africa. That doesn’t mean those people, whoever they may be, aren’t her ancestors.
Here’s another fun fact to explain some of this. Our eldest son got my Sardinia. The other three sons have none of it. But all four of them are my boys. Always will be. It’s just how the DNA is passed from one generation to another. From whom you get what. I do wish I could explain it far better than I am able.
If you want to know a bit more, and you are a creationist like me, let me urge you again, to go watch the videos sponsored by Ken Ham and The Creation Museum and The Ark Encounter. The person behind the science is Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, who has a Phd. in biology from Harvard. His presentations are excellent and are certainly thought-provoking. There are 25 segments, the last of which is Q&A.
Once you’ve watched those and your mind is reeling, give yourself some time to absorb all he has to say, then go watch his videos about his book, Traced. This is where he explains his DNA findings and explains in more detail the things in the first videos.
Once you’ve seen these, you’ll know just how closely related we all are. There are NO races. Just one. But many ethnicities. It’s all interesting to this amateur genealogist. I hope you will enjoy them, too.
Happy 246th, USA! @DDuPreeWilliams #GodBlessAmerica #HappyBirthday #IndependenceDay Share on XHappy Birthday to our great country. We are a diverse group of people, the melting pot of the world. All related. So, be kind to one another. My prayer is that one day we will all see and accept that every person you pass on the street, in the stores where you shop, in your workplace, in your casual time, wherever that may be in this world, is related to you to one degree or another.
A heartfelt thanks to all the men and women who’ve fought for our freedoms, and even died for her, over all these years. Words are not enough.
May God forever bless America.
Blessings, y’all.
Here is how to find the videos mentioned. Go to YouTube, then, Answers in Genesis, from there go to A New History of the Human Race, and the Traced videos. The links would pull up the videos here, so I’m just giving you the path to take. Find Dr. Jeanson’s book Traced at TracedBook dot com.
The Conversation
Thanks for the post. I love this country so much – and value freedom. I pray for everyone – and I also pray to treat each person as the gift they are – the gift God created and loves.
If only every person in this blessed land would join us in those prayers. What a difference we could make in this world!
What a wonderful post! I love knowing we are all related:)
It’s amazing isn’t it? It truly shouldn’t be, but I think we still stand in awe at this.