All The Way Home

This isn’t about the little nursery rhyme. This is about those loved ones who’ve gone before us and stepped into their eternal home.
My sister Bobbie, my only sibling, took that journey this past Tuesday morning.
After an almost seven-year battle with breast cancer, two miracles along the way, radiation, countless chemo treatments—Jesus called her home.
Those of us who were blessed to have her in our lives are still hurting from such a tremendous loss, but we know where she is, and we know we will be reunited with her one day.
She was my big Sissy, the name I almost always called her. But she was much more. She was friend, confidante, teacher, spiritual advisor, prayer warrior, the alto to my soprano. To those who were blessed to call her family, there are not enough words in this world to convey what she meant to each of us, collectively or individually.
But I’m the only person in the entire world who got to call her my sister. For that, I am profoundly and eternally grateful. We shared a world that no one else could enter, one filled with shared memories that now live only within my heart. Truly, I was blessed.
We shared secrets, our love of music, our artistic abilities, our gift of writing, our absolute joy in working out the genealogies of our family. Oh, the backwoods country roads we traveled together.
Certainly, I will miss our daily phone calls. I’ll miss getting to ask you what some little bird is, or what the name of this or that plant is. And the family recipes? Well, I’ve heard you left a ton of those. Thanks, Sissy.
Mostly, I’ll miss hearing you call me Baby Sister.
There are way too many reasons to want to pray you back, but none of them compares to knowing that you are all the way home . . . cancer-free, with Jesus, dancing on streets of purest gold.
Until we meet again, precious Sissy, you were simply . . . the best.
Blessings, y’all.
Have you had to say goodbye to someone you loved deeply? It isn’t easy. It’s our natural reaction to want to pray them back. We want them with us, but they’re already in their eternal home. Do you know where you will be spending eternity? If you aren’t sure, contact me, and let’s pray together.
We adore Guy Penrod. We’ve attended two concerts at our Indian Rocks Beach Church in Florida. I love, love this song. How many times have we wished we could pray someone back? My precious Sissy is dancing with Jesus. She’s All the Way HOME!! Soli Deo Gloria.
The Conversation
Thanks for sharing Sissy with us! Can’t wait to see her in heaven. Prayers for you and your loved ones.
I’m sure she’ll recognize you as she’s heard all about you!
Blessings, Debra. Such a beautiful, moving tribute to your ‘Sissy.’ Praying God will cover and comfort you and your family as you process such a significant loss. Thank you so much for sharing.
I am just now seeing this. I have no clue how I missed this and a couple of other comments.
Thank you for your prayers. It has been a long eight months without her. Knowing she’s with
her husband and Mama and Daddy eases my heart a whole lot. But I still miss her terribly.
I miss seeing you.
Thank you, Sally. She was a sweetheart.