Word of the Year – 2023

For the past several days, perhaps even a week or so, I’ve seen many posts from friends about their word of the year. If you’re unfamiliar with this concept, it’s about choosing one word that will be your focus throughout the coming year. I’ve only done this for the past four or five years. Since I live and move and have my being in Christ, I pray about this word and generally wait until I feel it’s a word God would have me focus on.


I had a gathering with friends yesterday and we all spoke about our word. One was sure of hers, another was wrestling, trying to figure it out. Another was fairly settled with hers. I shared that I feel all over the place. Much like my thoughts for the past couple, almost three, years. Yes, a plate of spaghetti was mentioned by one of us. And, that is my brain most days.

One of my friends suggested I give Dayspring a try. I don’t recall how she knew about this. Another friend’s blog post, I think. Here’s a link to Dayspring if you’d like to take their short, helpful quiz.   https://www.dayspring.com/yourwordquiz  It was easy, fast, and likely a lot more accurate than any word I’d thought about. As usual, God shows up to light the way. Thanks, friend.

Before taking this quiz, I’d tossed around a couple of words. Both are fairly applicable to my life at the moment. But the word Dayspring provided rolls all my thoughts into one cohesive word, one that covers multiple aspects of my life and things about which I’ve been praying. That plate of spaghetti suddenly seems manageable.

Word of the Year - 2023 @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith #WordOfTheYear Share on X



Don’t let your first thoughts go to that freedom we experience by living in America. It’s not that kind of freedom, although we’re all thankful for it. And I imagine I’ll experience some fireworks at some point this year. Oh, I do hope so, but not that kind of fireworks, either.

When I gave my heart to Christ, I became free of my sin. I laid them all at the foot of the cross and asked for His forgiveness. Believe me, it’s a whole lot easier to confess our sins and to ask forgiveness than it is to forget our sins.

But God has forgotten them. Read Hebrews 8:12 and Isaiah 43:25. If He can forget, then why are we carrying around all that guilt by remembering and dredging them up from time to time? It occurred to me that this is being so disrespectful to Christ and the work He did for us on the cross. Almost like a slap in His face. Heaven forbid! I will confess, I’ve struggled with this. But no more.

I finally get it.


Trust me when I tell you I could write countless words about things from which I need to be set free. It isn’t just the sin that was forgiven long ago. It’s day-to-day things, seemingly little things, but they add up over time and keep us in bondage to things that are so inconsequential.

And who is the one who is all about keeping us in bondage? Yeah . . . him. Nasty little devil.

Let it go. Cast your cares, whatever they may be. Every day, seek the freedom that comes from all the promises in God’s Word. The freedom that came the minute we confessed with our mouths and believed in our hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord.

So, freedom is my word for 2023.


Since I’m a writer, you probably assume I’ve kept a journal all or most of my life.

Nope. Not this girl. That’s never been my thing. My husband says it’s because I remember everything in vivid detail. I don’t have a need to journal. Maybe.

But this year, I’m keeping a calendar of when and how I’ve experienced freedom. I’m looking forward to a year-end post about the results.

So, what is your word for 2023? Share it with us if you will.

Blessings, y’all!

I don’t need to tell y’all how much I love David Phelps. Going to see him at the Cove later this month! Cannot wait!! I pray you have found freedom in Christ. Glorious Freedom!!


    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing! I’m happy you discovered your word for the year.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I don’t usually use an app for that. It usually comes through prayer and
      reading the Scriptures. Thought I’d give it a try. It seems fitting.

  2. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    After prayer, my word for 2023 is SEEK.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Sally Jo,
      What a great word! Covers so many areas of our walk with Christ.
      Hope your writing is going well.

  3. Jane H Green says:

    I loved this blog and your thoughts on being free in Christ. It was very helpful for me to read today. I picked verses for my year… kinda like a theme. They are Philippians 1:9-11 and Isaiah 32:17. But I want to try the Dayspring link you gave, just for fun. Thanks for sharing it!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I love your chosen verses. Just read both of them. You may not like the music of the masters of long ago,
      but let me suggest you go to YouTube and find a video of “How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place” from Brahams’
      German Requiem. It is so beautiful.
      Did you try the Dayspring link? What did it come up with for you? My word surprised me, but I can so clearly
      see it applying to various aspects of my life.
      Thanks for reading and commenting.

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