With Spirit Eyes

How many times have we read a passage in the Bible and were confused by what we just read? Often, it’s the same with hearing the Word read aloud in church or other gatherings. We just didn’t understand it. We weren’t reading with spirit eyes.
More than likely that is because we’re seeing only with our physical eyes or hearing with our physical ears. Jesus often made comments about those who were neither blind nor deaf yet they couldn’t see or hear. He meant they weren’t seeing or hearing spiritually.
Admittedly, some scriptures are more difficult to understand than others, but if we pray and ask God to grant us the ability to see what He would have us see and understand through the power of the Holy Spirit, then we will have the ability to see as He intended. The lessons will be made known to us.
Jesus spoke in parables so that the people who came to hear Him would understand what He was teaching. The parable of The Good Shepherd which I wrote about last week is one of my favorites. I also love the parable of The Prodigal Son.
If you’ve watched The Chosen, you know that the people of Jesus’s time weren’t accustomed to being talked to or preached to in such a manner. This was a prime example of how Jesus came for all mankind, not just the educated or the socially elite. He wanted everyone to understand that The Gospel is for all, no matter your race, your circumstance, or your background.
There were many things that didn’t make sense to my husband and me as we read through our Bibles the first time, chronologically. We had more than our good share of commentaries and Bibles with verse-by-verse explanations. And we had Tara-Leigh Cobble and The Bible Recap. We are so thankful for these things. But as we became more and more deeply immersed in God’s Word, we began to see more clearly because we were finally reading and seeing with spirit eyes.
By no means am I claiming that we are now Bible scholars. Far from it, we are Bible readers who are reading God’s Word every day, and we’re doing our best to grasp the lessons He has for us each day. We pray for wisdom and discernment before and as we read.
If you are studying the Word this year, however you are doing that, here is a prayer that Tara-Leigh prays every time she sits down to read her Bible. I hope you like it and that you put it to use in your own daily reading. If you’d like to join us as we read through chronologically, go to my post titled, The Bible in a Year—You Can Do This. Find it linked below.
With Spirit Eyes @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing Share on X
Pray Before Reading Scripture
by Tara-Leigh Cobble
God, give me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
God, let any knowledge I gain serve to help me love You and others more and not puff me up.
God, help me see something new about You I’ve never seen before.
God, correct any lies I believe about You or anything I misunderstand.
God, direct my steps according to Your Word.
May God richly bless you as you delve into His Word. May you be a blessing to others as you gain further knowledge of Him.
Until next week, Blessings, y’all!
Here is a song by Sandi Patty that I’ve sung often. One line speaks of people seeing with foolish eyes. You can I have the ability to see with spirit eyes when we ask God for that vision. https://youtu.be/te-zYOJ5B3M
The Conversation
God, direct my steps according to Your Word.
A wonderful daily prayer.
Sally Jo, I totally agree. Tara-Leigh is a deep thinker. She says she’s no scholar, but she certainly has been gifted with those spirit eyes I wrote about. Thanks for reading. Blessings!
Thank you, Debra, for this prayer. I am going to keep it in my Bible.
Amy Spurlin
Amy, I’m so glad you liked it. I have it in the front of my Bible, also. Thanks for reading. Blessings!