Whom Do You Want to See In Heaven?

By Debra DuPree Williams @ DDuPreeWilliams
Y’all know I’m big-time into genealogy. For years, I was the family genealogist. To some, I suppose I still wear that title. Actually, my sister must share that title with me. That lady can find a needle in the densest of genealogy haystacks.
As I get older, there are many days when I spend a lot of time thinking about meeting those ancestors one day. Those whose names are only a piece of paper in my files at the moment.
Sis and I have searched in vain for years for the graves of some. Our grandmother, Josephine Dell DuPree (Burdeshaw), is one we’ve yet to find. In fact, it was her missing grave that sparked the idea for my debut novel, Grave Consequences.
We may never find her grave here on earth, but we look forward to meeting her in person when we get to Heaven. She would be just one of many. Sis and I have so many questions for her and for all our ancestors.
We have traced our heritage on Mama’s Bass side back to Elizabeth, the Nansemond, born in 1618. She was the daughter of one of four of their Weroances or Chiefs. Back in 1638, Elizabeth married John Bass, born in 1616. They had a few children together. I come from Richard, 1658, and his second wife, Mary Burwell, who was also Nansemond. It gets a little dicey from there. We know Richard 1707 was Mary’s son, but the jury is still out on who his father was.
This is just one of many questions I have for my ancestors. Who fathered Mary’s children? What is Mama’s actual family name? Was it another Bass? If so, who? Was it someone else? Is Richard the true Bass and the other lines are wrong? Who knows? Well, certainly God does.
But y’all don’t really want to read about my family saga. This is just to show you a glimpse of things to come. Questions answered by only those who can give us the correct answers. Even DNA testing hasn’t helped with some questions. My conclusion is this—there are simply some things we are not supposed to know while we are here on earth. Period.
As much as I want to meet those ancestors, I want to see my Mama and my Daddy, my grandparents, including my Grandfather Bass who died when Mama was not quite eight. Grandmother Roxie Dupree, Daddy’s mother who passed away when Daddy was just seventeen. And all who came before them on all sides. I want to meet my husband’s family members. ALL of them.
But more than those, I want to meet Moses, and Abraham, King Solomon, King David, Queen Esther, Mary Magdalen, Paul, and Timothy, and Mary the Mother of Jesus, and Stephen the first Christian martyr, Charles Spurgeon, Charles and John Wesley, C.S. Lewis, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms. Oh, to sing their glorious music with them holding the director’s baton! I simply cannot imagine. My list is endless.
But most of all, I want to see Jesus!! He’s the One Who died for ALL. For you, and for me, and for all who would call upon His name, believing and trusting that He is exactly who He said He is. The Son of God!
Now that, my friends, is breathtaking.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Blessings, y’all
Whom Do You Want to See in Heaven? @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #family Share on XWhom do you want to see in Heaven? What questions will you have for them? Because of so many years and box upon box of genealogy, on all my lines as well as all my husband’s lines, I can tell you, the questions are almost endless. One answer is going to lead to another question. Of that, I’m quite certain.
I hope this blesses you as much as it blesses me. I cannot, canNOT hear this without tears streaming down my face. Close your eyes and picture that day!! The day you arrive in the Holy City. When you are thrilled to be met by angels, talk with Mark and Timothy, but you just want to see Jesus!! What a day that will be!
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