Who Do You Trust?

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
It’s that time of year when many of you have posted your chosen word of the year. Last week I asked if you’d chosen yours. I wasn’t getting clarity about my word for this year when I wrote that post. Hope kept popping up everywhere I turned. But I didn’t think that was supposed to be my word of the year since it’s my word for every year.
No sooner had I posted that than another word kept appearing everywhere I looked. It tugged at my heart even when I wasn’t aware of it. It was even before me during this past year in the form of a friend’s book. That book, God’s Best During Your Worst, by my friend, Robin Luftig, impacted me greatly. I cried through much of it, it’s that touching a story. The question Robin says she heard before the beginning of her story came from a familiar voice, one she recognized as God’s. He asked her, Do you trust Me? https://robinluftig.com/
Little did I know that a few months after reading that book, I’d be answering that same question posed by God. It wasn’t a life and death situation as Robin’s was, but it was a life-altering one. Since that day, I’ve had to learn to trust God more than ever before.
My Strong’s Concordance says trust is from the Hebrew word chacah (khaw-saw) meaning to flee for protection, or in another translation, to lean upon.
Fast forward to today, several months later. In the past few days, I’ve seen post after post with the word, trust included. As I’ve done my daily Bible readings, I’ve encountered trust. I’ve heard that Still Small Voice whispering the word, trust. Thus, I’ve chosen trust as my word of the year.
In the past few months, I’ve learned to trust God more than ever before. I already knew that I could, I’d experienced putting my trust in God many times in my life. But this time, it was different. I could do nothing but lean upon His Word. Trust. Peter answered Christ when He asked of the twelve, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life.” (John 6:67-68 NASB). Indeed, where else would I, would we go but to our Savior?
My friends, have you put your trust in God? He’s there to hold you up when you falter. He’s there for you when life throws you curve balls. When you’ve gotten an unexpected, unwanted diagnosis. When you’ve lost loved ones. When you’ve lost your job or your home. Whatever you may be facing, He’s there for you to lean on in any and all circumstances. He’s there with the gift of eternal life through His son, Jesus Christ. He’s there with an everlasting love. He’s Alpha and Omega, The Bright and Morning Star, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. In other words, He’s everything.
Trust Him.
And as an afterthought, don’t forget my most-quoted scripture. Jeremiah 29:11.
Blessings, y’all!
Who Do You Trust? #writing #faith Share on XHere is a link to Robin’s book. You’re going to be blessed by her words. https://amzn.to/3i0SX85
The Conversation
With all we’re going through in our country right now, trust in The Lord is so important. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, friend.
You are so right. As Peter asked, “Where else would we go?”
So good! What a timely message for all of us. Trust has also been on my mind. As always Debra in her sweet delivery has given us an encouraging word.
Elaine, thank you so much. We never know how our words will be received. We sit to write and ask God to guide our thoughts. Thank you for YOUR encouraging words.