When Talking is Hard

I get all manner of emails. Some of them I expect, others, I have no idea where they come from or even why. So many of the emails are not at all in my realm of thought, let alone in my nearby wheelhouse.

I get some that speak to me, that I find helpful, and I wonder if my friends need this as much as I do. Such is the case of an email I received this week from Crossway.

I use an ESV Bible, and I buy a new one every year as I personalize each one for a child or a grandchild. The ones I get have wide margins and a single-column text making them perfect for Bible journaling. I surmise that since I buy their Bibles, Crossway began sending me blog posts. I don’t always read them, but sometimes—like this one, they grab my attention.


When Talking is Hard @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing Share on X

Here is a link to that article –



Is that difficult for you? Most may communicate well, but some of you may be like me. I don’t always say what I mean or mean what comes out of my mouth. But talking with our kids at any age, but especially as they become adults doesn’t have to be difficult. There are words of wisdom in this article.

I’m not as savvy or quick on my feet as the mother in this post. I wish I were, but that just isn’t who I am or how I communicate. I can see myself using some of her tactics in future conversations. Especially those hard ones.

This is a good article and I hope it will bless you, and maybe give you food for thought.

Blessings, y’all!

When you finish reading this, do go and listen to this song. Sing along or pray these words over your children no matter their age. Jesus has the power to change their circumstances, their lives, and their eternities! Know that I will pray for your children. The greatest blessings and responsibilities God gives us. I ask you to pray for my children. We have 7 counting our daughter-in-love and our granddaughters. Here are their initials K, C, A, D, C, P, E. Thank you!



    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thank you for sharing, Debbie. Prayers for you and your family.

  2. Jane H Green says:

    That was a great article and yes, it is very hard to know when to ask questions or stay quiet with adult children. Thanks for sharing help on this subject.

  3. Deena Adams says:

    Hi, Debbie. I love the song, I Speak Jesus! So powerful.

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