When Life is Busy – Don’t Forget to Pray

Man, am I late in getting this post written. It’s been a busy, busy week. We just completed the unexpected rebuilding of our back deck. Wow! Was that a whopper of a bill. Didn’t see that one coming. We’d planned to reno our kitchen. Not much, just the addition of a few cabinets to give us more counter space which is sorely lacking in our small kitchen.

When we got the estimate for the granite, we almost passed out. That on top of the deck cost? No way! So, we changed the granite choice. That helped some, but not as much as we hoped. Then, we tried to find our old backsplash tiles so that we wouldn’t have to tear out a perfectly good backsplash wall and redo that. No longer available. That is a story unto itself.  Then things began to pile up. One on top of another. It seemed that there was no end to all the things.


Where is the lesson in all this?

I had to remind myself the Source of my happiness and my peace doesn’t lie in what my kitchen looks like. It doesn’t lie in my back deck other than I could have fallen through, at least forty feet to the ground, so thank you, Lord, for showing me the rotten boards.

It lies with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. No matter what is going on in my life. No matter how busy I may be, I always take time to talk to Him each day. My husband and I do Bible study together, but with all this, and the fact that our sunroom where we do this is torn up at the moment (a result of the rot in the deck extending to that area, sigh), we haven’t been quite as diligent as normal.

When Life is Busy - Don't Forget to Pray @DDuPreeWilliams #pray #faith #writing Share on X


But, we pray together many times each day. And when things are finally quiet at night, as I lie in bed, all my thoughts go straight to Jesus. That is when I spend time thinking about those things that I know need not only my attention but God’s too. So, I spend those minutes, and sometimes hours, talking to God. And that makes all those things mentioned above seem unimportant and so worldly. This seems like a good time to remember Matthew 6:33 (KJV) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (He’s talking about heavenly things, not all these earthly challenges.)

Since I know this world isn’t my home, I stress much less about things here and keep my mind on things above. I pray for my family–my husband, children, grandchildren, my friends, the world, and yes, even this writing journey. Where am I to go next, Lord? A frequently asked question these days.

All these things will come about in God’s good timing. So, I wait patiently for the Lord.

So, how has your week been? How may I pray for you?

Blessings, y’all!


I know this may not be your cup of tea, but I grew up listening to Mr. J.D. Sumner. I learned of Larry Ford a few years ago when my sister was ill and his mother-in-law, Mama Lessie, prayed over her. So many special people in this video. An old favorite of my parents. I pray it blesses you!




    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    Love this blog! It’s a good reminder of where we should place our focus. I feel you on getting all the projects done and how much money it takes. I find there has to be a great balance in taking care of what God has put in your care and overdoing it.

    Maybe the rot on the deck was a blessing so that your sunroom (sanctuary for prayer) will be even more alluring and draw you in there to find rest and peace with Jesus in the midst of so much business. Maybe that is why God had you do that first rather than the kitchen:)

    Love yah!

  2. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing, Debbie. Life can be overwhelming. And when I forget Who is always in control, I really feel overwhelmed. Praying for you.

  3. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    I love the sentiment you shared and it is such good advice! It’s easy to get caught up in things that aren’t really so important as they feel at the time.

  4. Kim Teague says:

    Thank you for sharing, Debra, and for your reminder to focus on what really matters! Grateful for God’s loving care and provision! Blessings to you.

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