When God Waits on Us

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams

Recently, I wrote a blog post about what to do while we wait. Today, I want to tell you what happens when God waits on us.

In the last few weeks, we’ve been wrestling with a pretty big decision. The details aren’t important. But a fairly large sum of money would be involved. We’ve even gone so far as to do some physical investigating regarding moving forward with said decision. Is this right for us? Are we too old? Is this even something we would enjoy? Is it too involved?

I have to tell you, we were pretty excited about the prospect of this decision. But neither of us felt comfortable with proceeding. We decided to pray some more and see what God had to say.


In the meantime, another matter came to the forefront. Again, more questions about if this was the right thing to do? This decision would affect our four boys in one way or another. So, we once again sought God’s input. Is this fair to all four? How can we make things equitable? Does it make sense at our ages? What does the big picture look like?

Finally, we decided not to pursue the first issue. It just wasn’t us, didn’t fit in with our lifestyle, and the end result could be accomplished by other means. We discussed it one last time and decided to table that matter. Thank you, God.

No sooner had we made that decision, and I mean the very next day than we had an unexpected windfall come our way. Just out of the blue. An investment we’d made years ago suddenly, unexpectedly, paid off.

This unexpected blessing would now make the second matter mentioned above, the one involving our children, far easier to accomplish. Again, thank you, God.

When God Waits on Us @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing Share on X


We turned to one another this morning and said at almost the same time, God was waiting to see what decision we’d make about the first matter before He blessed us so that we could do the thing He truly wants us to do, the second matter.

One of my favorite praise songs is “Waymaker”, and one of the lines I seem to constantly sing these days is Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working. Even when I don’t see it, You’re working.

Surely, God was behind the scenes working things out as He saw them while He waited on us to make the right decision about the first matter above.

I know this sounds a bit ambiguous, but I hope you follow my thoughts here. Bottom line is, trust God. Pray, then get out of His way and let Him show you the path you should take. When we’re patient and do as we feel He’s leading us, things will work out the way He intended all along.

We’re looking forward to our future. It’s in God’s hands and He has shown us He will bless us when we walk in obedience. Thank you, Abba Father.

Blessings, y’all.


I may have posted this recently. It’s one of my favorites. I LOVE this woman’s voice! And that female drummer, y’all! Wow! How I would have loved being in that congregation. I probably listen to this two to three times a week. It touches my heart, so I make no apologies for using it here again. I do hope it blesses each one of you!! Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working!



    The Conversation

  1. Theresa says:

    Thank you for sharing your Blessings and Gods word.Its so wonderful when our hearts and eyes ate open to see his work.Love this song✝️Theresa

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you, my friend. Yes! Love knowing He’s always working! Love you!!

  2. lanyards says:

    Saved as a favorite, I really like your blog!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Corine, I’m so glad you found me. Please stop in every week. I’m not profound, but I speak from my heart. Blessings to you.

  3. Edwina Cowgill says:

    I always try to remember that when God doesn’t seem to be moving, he’s working behind the scenes! It makes the waiting a little easier!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Yes. Edwina, It’s easy to forget that when we get so busy with our lives. But He’s heard every single one of our prayers and He’s been working all along.
      In HIS timing. Hard to wait, but knowing He’s working makes it so much easier. Love and blessings!

  4. Joni says:

    Thanks so much for the reminder that all I have to do is wait when I’m not sure I’ve heard from God yet.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Joni, Isn’t it wonderful to have that relationship with our Abba Father? He’s working for us all the time, even when we don’t feel or see it?
      So thankful! Blessings and love, my dear friend.

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