What Mask Are You Wearing?

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
I know what you’re thinking. But, no.  In spite of the title, this isn’t about Halloween. 
Last week I told you about some scenic drives we like to take, especially once the leaves begin to change. The colors are vibrant, and the mountains seem to beg us to come and share in their beauty.


One of the places we enjoy visiting each year is Gorges State Park. Not only are there vistas at which to take gorgeous photos, but there is a waterfall there, too. And they have picnic tables at which you may share a meal with your family or traveling companions.
The visitor center is very nice. It is equipped with clean restrooms and they have a gift shop, too. It is part of the state park system. Be sure to see the displays inside the center. They are all very good and informative, and they change with the seasons.


One of the displays on our visit last year showed a photo of a yellow leaf. The information surrounding the leaf explained that while we only see the bright colors of the trees in the Fall, those colors are present within the leaf year-round. Those bright colors we drive so far to see are masked behind the more dominant green pigments called chlorophylls. The beautiful colors we wait all year long to see have been there all along, but we couldn’t see them.


Many Masks
This made me wonder how many of us are hiding our potential behind a mask. There are many masks—fear, self-doubt, anxiety, shame just to name a few. You could probably add your own word/s to this list.


Here is the good news. Whatever it is God has called you to, He has equipped you with all you need to see it to fruition. And He is a gentleman, He not only opens doors, He stands and holds it as you walk through. He doesn’t leave you. He’s with you through the entire journey, no matter what it is or how long it takes. There is a saying that has been on the internet in recent years, If God takes you to it, He will get you through it.
Remove Your Mask
Whether you’ve been called to be a writer, musician, artist, teacher, member of our military, a first responder, stay-at-home-mom, or anything you can imagine, God has placed within you what you need to accomplish your goals. Maybe they’ve been hiding out for a while as you prepare for your future. At the perfect time, you will remove your mask and let your light shine, like the Fall leaves, hiding beneath a layer of chlorophyll until the right season arrives.
God is amazing . . . your true colors have been there all along.


Are you ready to remove your mask and let your true colors shine? Share your thoughts with us.
What Mask Are You Wearing? @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith Share on X



    The Conversation

  1. Chris Manion says:

    Thank you for teaching me something about the color in leaves always being there. It reminds me of what we know about God: He's right here with us all the time only we can't see Him yet because of the veil of this life. I have a sneaky feeling that someday we will get to see a replay of all the moments of our lives and God's "mask" will be off and we'll be shaking our heads and gasping as we "see" Him as He was then, right beside us all the time.
    Let us pray fitte each other to have the courage to take off our masks when our season arrives, when we feel God's will, and trust His light within us to shine.


  2. Cathy Baker says:

    I plan to take a couple scenic routes this weekend — when it actually feels like Fall. I enjoyed this post. My favorite line: "And He is a gentleman, He not only opens doors, He stands and holds it as you walk through." Yes and amen!

  3. Warren says:

    I’ve been a chameleon for most of my life. I could blend in anywhere and be unobtrusive. Perhaps I need to see the chlorophyll gone to get to the core of who I am, or more importantly who I am not. Shine on, Jesus.

  4. I love fall and all the wonderful colors, Debra, and being married to my favorite biologist, I've known this for quite some time, but never ever put it in perspective this way. LOVE this! Especially that whole last section. Thank you for sharing!

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