Uniquely You

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
When King David wrote Psalm 139, he couldn’t have imagined how many times his words would show up on Facebook in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Psalm 139: 13 is the verse I’ve seen lately—I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made (NASB). King David, shepherd boy, giant killer, king, was unique just as you are uniquely you.
All one has to do is look around to see that each of us is different. Even identical twins are not exactly alike. I know that better than most. I’m not a twin, but my mother was an identical twin and my father was a fraternal twin. My mother’s twin sister gave birth to fraternal twins. My sister-in-law has fraternal twins and one of those twins has boy/girl twins. Whew. That’s a lot of doubles. Yet, each one is unique.
Even though I have a sister and we have the same parents, we are extremely different. Even our DNA is different. While both of us are short, Sis is dark and got Mama’s green eyes. Sis is tiny with a very small frame. We’re both five feet tall, but I wear a size 9 wide shoe. Yeah, parts of me are a big girl. I have big hands, too. I’m a blonde with our Daddy’s blue eyes. And I’m fair-skinned. I’ve had more than my share of sunburns and these days I’m paying the price for that.
In the writing world, and in just the world in general, it isn’t uncommon for us to compare ourselves to others out there. Even though we know we shouldn’t do that, it’s only human nature to do it anyway.
It’s like all the print ads and television or even social media ads that have us constantly comparing ourselves to the skinny, gorgeous, or tall, dark, fit, person on the ads. Hello? We all know they airbrush the doo-dah out of those people. But we still play the comparison game. But why?
I’m here to tell you, God probably doesn’t like that. He made you just the way you are because He felt the world needed a unique, one-of-a-kind you. It took me years to finally stop wishing I was dark and little like my sister. At this age, I appreciate and value our differences. Today, there’s no jealousy between us. Each of us feels blessed to have been given the other. And my big sister is the best. Ever!
The book of Genesis is filled with God’s creation of all the things in heaven and on earth—all the animals on the earth, in the seas, creepy-crawly things, birds of the air, plants of every kind, the sun and moon, and all the stars. Everything. John 3:1 tells us, All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being (NASB).
To fully understand just how unique you are, you only have to look around. Though trees, flowers, clouds, stars, grains of sand, or the person next to you may seem to be like others, they are all completely different. A case in point that has been used forever to demonstrate this is a snowflake. How on earth could all that snow we had this past winter come from every single flake, no matter where it fell on this earth, be completely different?
Mind-boggling, isn’t it?
Yet, every single one is unlike any other. Totally unique.
Like the uniqueness of those snowflakes and the white squirrel I captured in this photo last week, so are you, my friend. So are you.
Instead of comparing ourselves, we should rejoice that there is no one else exactly like us. God created us with our own set of DNA, our own likes and dislikes, our own gifts and talents, yet every single one of us was made in His image.
Here are two verses that I absolutely love to show you just how highly God thinks of you. Unique you. How much He loves you. Isaiah 43:1 I have called you by name; you are Mine (NASB). Isaiah 49:16 See, I have tattooed your name upon my palm (TLB).
Uniquely You @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #noonelikeyou Share on XAnd of course, there is the ultimate verse that so clearly tells us just how much Father God loves us. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life (NASB).
As we head into Resurrection Sunday, let’s remember that God loved us so much, he created every one of us to be His unique child. And He gave to all of mankind the gift of His only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, our Brother, our Savior.
Blessings, y’all, and Happy Easter.
The Lord is Risen!
I hope this anthem will bless you this Eastertide!!
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