Time Is Never Lost – It is Rearranged

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Time management is one of my biggest hurdles. Even though my husband has put our daily schedule into his phone, at the end of almost every day we look at one another and wonder where our day went. Do you do that?
Here’s another one I’d be willing to bet most of you have done. To say I have a trophy for this life event would be putting it mildly. My mind knows what I need to do. That small, or even large, task beckons me. I go to do it, but on the way, something else catches my eye. Now that project takes center stage and I head to do that. Maybe in the middle, my mind skips to something else and that becomes my task-of-the-moment. That thing originally had on my mind? At my age, I’m lucky if I even remember to do it next week, or even next month.
Maybe your time isn’t quite as mismanaged as mine, but I think you get the picture.
One of our greatest enjoyments and a way in which we love to spend time together in the past few months is in watching The Chosen. If you haven’t seen it, download the app onto your phone or iPad, or get a Firestick for your TV and by all means, watch this phenomenal show. You’ve never seen Jesus portrayed like this. In all his humanness yet, as The Son of God. I promise you will not be the same.
Trust that I’m not giving away anything, but this line from last night’s episode jumped out at me – You didn’t lose any time, it just got rearranged.
What? No lost time?
To me, that was freeing and it even made me cry.
This has been a rough year. Not just because of COVID, but on a personal level. We’ve had a family issue that required much of my time over the past almost eight months. My writing had to be put on hold, even this blog had to wait for a few months. I appreciate your prayers and your patience.
So many times, I lamented having to stop my writing. It’s such a huge part of who I am and what God has laid on my heart, indeed, what He has called me to do. That family issue was something that had taken years away from what should have been. Many days I mourned the loss of those years—would we ever get them back?
The answer is no. We aren’t time-travelers who can hop back in time and have do-overs. But in God’s timing, which is always perfect, time just got rearranged so that our now and our future years are so much better than the past. We didn’t lose any time, it just got rearranged.
If you’ve wondered about time and how it slips away from you, even when we can’t see or recognize it, know that God is in the midst of every single second of your day. He knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11), even those little tasks that cause us to forget why we entered that room in the first place. Trust that He is rearranging things just for you. Even when it hurts, or when there seem to be no answers for the why of things, and even when we want to go back and redo those moments, those years. God is sovereign. He knows just what you need and when.
Trust His timing. He holds all our minutes, days, our present, and all our tomorrows.
It’s always perfect.
I hope you’ll enjoy this old hymn. I lost count a long time ago of how many times I’ve sung it. Larry Ford, featured here, is the son-in-love of a dear lady known to our family as “Mama Lessie”. She went home to Jesus about two weeks ago. She laid hands on and prayed over my sister and many of my family members in her lifetime. She was a treasure.
Blessings, y’all!
Time Is Never Lost - It Is Rearranged @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #timemanagement Share on X
The Conversation
Thank you for that Debra. I treasure the time I have no tasks at hand.The Lord is good to me.
I do, too. Doesn’t happen often, but I love those times of rest. The best rearranger EVER!! Thanks for reading. Love you, lady!!