Three Points of Advice While You Wait

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
I’ve just returned from a week at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. It surpassed my hopes and my expectations. While there, I was awarded third place in the Directors’ Choice category for my debut novel, Grave Consequences. There are no words to describe the depth of gratitude I have for this honor. You have no idea how shocked I was to hear my name called.
Y’all, I’m seventy-one years old, yet God called me to this.
For those of you out there who feel unfulfilled by hopes you’ve long held, by dreams you see slipping by, out of your fingers as time ticks slowly past, here are some thoughts from me.
Number one is never, ever give up on those hopes and dreams. God has called you to whatever it is He sees for your future. If you feel you aren’t quite there yet, be patient. Romans 8:25 tells us But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience (ESV). And while you wait, praise God for the things He is about to do. He’s behind the scenes working even when we can’t see it.
Most of us realize we’re living in an impatient world. We want things right now. My precious Mama said our trouble was we wanted right now what it took her and Daddy a lifetime to achieve. How true is that? We must remember that God is sovereign. He knows the perfect timing of all the plans He has for you. Wait and trust. Your faith will grow in the waiting.
While you wait, learn all you can about your chosen field/craft. For me and many of my friends, that is writing. It’s what we feel we’ve been called to do. Not for fame or for the awards we may win along the way, but because we wish to share the Good News of a risen Christ with the world.
That’s what the conference last week was all about—meeting with the best teachers out there, connecting with publishers, editors, agents, and friends to learn more and to advance one more step toward our goals.
Three Points of Advice While You Wait @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #waitontheLORD Share on XADVICE NUMBER THREE
Many who were at that conference have returned home with questions, doubts, and fears. Who am I to think I’m a writer? Did you see who was there? Frank Peretti. What makes me think I should be in the same room with him let alone trying to write? I could never write like him, or any of the other excellent well-known writers in attendance.
But is that who God says you are? He’s called you to this, whatever your chosen field may be—voice actor, game designer, architect, plumber, electrician, teacher, actor, vocalist, artist, pastor, missionary, and yes, writer. Do you not know that the door to this conference or to that call-back for a job you wanted wouldn’t have happened had God not opened that door? You are exactly where He wants you to be. Don’t question Him. Be obedient. As the old hymn reminds us, trust and obey.
Remember you are the child of the Most-High King. He has ordered your life since before you were formed within your mother’s womb. He knows the path He’s ordained for your life. Listen for that still small voice (1 Kings 19:12). And above all, remember that God doesn’t just call the equipped, He equips the called.
Go forth knowing who and Whose you are. Believe in yourself and God, who made you. And in moments of doubt, ask Him to help you. Then, read the first chapter of Ephesians. That, my friends, declares who you are in Christ.
So, hold your heads high, my brothers and sisters. Our Father is THE Most-High King. You can do this through Him.
Blessings, y’all!
Are you struggling with this very thing? Do you have doubts and fears? Please contact me any way you wish so that I may pray for you, personally.
We came upon this last night. Such talented young people out there today, with a heart for God! We are in good hands! I hope this blesses you. It’s long, stick with it. So worth it!
The Conversation
And above all, remember that God doesn’t just call the equipped, He equips the called.
Encouraging words I needed to hear, Debra!
Thank you for such encouraging words!
Edwina, thank you so much for reading. I appreciate your reading and commenting.
You are amazing. Thank you for the much needed encouragement. Love you, my friend.
Awww. You’re so sweet. Thank you, dear one. You’ve got this. You got tools and a whole lotta folds praying for your writing journey! Love you, too!