Three Options – Go, Send, Disobey

One of my greatest joys is sharing the Word we hear on Sundays with you who worship elsewhere or who may not even have a home church.

From time to time, our church has a guest pastor. Our guest today was Dr. J.D. Greear from Summit Church in Raleigh. He holds impressive credentials if things like having been the president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2018 to 2021 are important to you.

I’ll be honest. I consider myself to be non-denominational these days. Although our membership is at Biltmore Church in Hendersonville, NC. They took the “Baptist” out of the name before we arrived. More and more churches are doing that these days.

I do understand why they thought they needed to do that. I truly do. So many wouldn’t attend a church with any denominational name within its title. Let me assure you, the Word is preached at Biltmore. The Word is used to explain the Word. You won’t hear made-up, prosperity, or something other than the Gospel Jesus died for, coming from our pastors.


Today, Dr. Greear’s sermon was titled, “Unless We Are Sent”. It was powerful. As usual, I was in tears by the end of it. If you know me at all, you know this is not uncommon. The Word of God touches the depths of my soul and frequently moves me to tears.

His sermon had three main thoughts: 1. Faith comes by hearing. 2. Others can only hear it from us. 3. The task is urgent. His main scripture was Romans 10, beginning at verse 14.

Paul asked the Romans, to whom he addressed this letter, how would unbelievers hear without someone preaching? That’s where we come in.


As a writer, I know that I would not be doing this, writing what you are currently reading, had God not prepared a way for me to do so. If you’ve read my older posts, you know how I came to be at Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference back in 2014.

It was never my intention to be a writer. When I was very little, I wanted to become a doctor who delivers babies. I was so young I didn’t even know the word for that. But God knew I’d grow up to hate the sight of blood and to abhor anything to do with needles or knives. So that was out. Because I could sing, everyone assumed I’d become a singer. And I did. And I enjoyed it. But sopranos just don’t last that long. At least, not and do it well.

But God gifted me with a second voice, the title of a previous blog post. I pray I use the words God lays on my heart to convey the Gospel. All my writer friends have that same prayer on their lips every time they sit down to write.

If our words can change the life of just one person for eternity, then we’ve been a success at what we’ve been called to do.


Three Choices - Go, Send, Disobey @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #called #teachtheGospel Share on X

So, how can those who don’t want to write or who don’t feel led to write reach others for the kingdom? Some of you have been or will be called to the mission field. By that, I mean you’ve been led to foreign soil to spread the Gospel. Our pastor suggested this could be a great thing for those who are empty-nesters and retired. What a fulfilling, meaningful life. Difficult? Probably. But God will be with you every step of the way.

If you don’t feel led to leave our country, just start in your own neighborhood. Volunteer at your local school, hospital, nursing home. I have friends in my Connect Group at church who keep a neighbor’s little one during the week. Can you imagine the impact those godly people are making on that child? Others in our group make sure to share the Gospel with those they contact on their daily outings.

You may not feel qualified or equipped to do any of these things. Remember, God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. If He is leading you to it, He will provide what you need to accomplish the task at hand. Remember when Jesus told the disciples that Holy Spirit would give them the words? He’ll do that for you, too.

If you still feel that this isn’t for you, the pastor suggested we live sacrificially so that we are able to give more, so that more are able to hear God’s Word. And if you can do nothing else, pray for the lost of this world. The person your prayers change is someone’s child, spouse, parent, brother, sister, friend. A worthy soul, created by our Lord.

The last option open to us is to disobey God’s call to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, (Matthew 28:19-20).

I’m confident none of us will choose this.

Blessings, y’all!


As Robert Morris (YouTube, Gateway Church, Dallas)  says at the end of his sermons, What is Holy Spirit saying to you today?


If you’ve never heard the message of the Gospel, that Jesus died for you, please contact me. I’d love to tell you just how much Jesus loves you!


We sang this in our church in Florida. It moved me to tears every single time. Let me warn you to get out your tissues. I pray this blesses you in some way.



1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Enjoyed this message. It is an awesome thought that the calling to put words on the page might be the spark to change a person’s life for eternity.

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