The Revelation – A Quick Peek

While scrolling through the Grace to You website, I ran across a booklet titled, A Jet Tour Through Revelation, authored by Dr. John MacArthur. I assume it was a sermon series at some point. (It was. A second look confirmed this.)
I’m not going to give you the entire series as I did with his commentary on the Gospel of John. This time, I’m giving you my jet tour just to whet your appetite.
Dr. M. tells us no other book in Scripture reveals the glory of God and Christ in more detail and splendor than the book of Revelation. He goes on to say it is perhaps the most misunderstood and misinterpreted book in the history of the church. Perhaps that’s why it is likely the least talked about. Has your pastor ever tackled it?
Dr. M. draws our attention to the latter parts of this difficult book, Revelation 22:10, in the early parts of his sermon. It says, Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near (ESV). Every generation since the first coming of Christ has thought theirs was the generation in which He would come again. Ours is no exception.
Have you ever noticed that Revelation begins with and ends with a blessing for the reader?
The Revelation - A Quick Peek @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #WritingCommunity Share on XChapter 1:3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near (ESV). Revelation 22:7 (ESV) And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. Have you ever studied it closely enough to see that? I had not.
I’m going to touch on just a couple of points and then I’ll include the link at the bottom of this post. You are going to want to read this entire sermon/booklet. It’s that good.
Dr. M. draws our attention to John’s introduction. Together, those first eight verses set forth an astoundingly unique book—one that was authored by the Trinity, delivered by an angel, dedicated to revealing the full glory of the risen Christ and His imminent return, and gives rich blessings to the readers.
I’m moving forward quite a bit to the final verse of Chapter 9. Remember, by this time, we’ve heard about all manner of judgments to come. He says John writes that in spite of all the judgment the Lord has poured out on all the world, the remaining people do not repent of their sins. Instead, they curse God, harden their hearts, and continue to pursue their sinful desires.
I don’t know about you, but this took my breath away. Can you imagine? This is why we must do all we can to reach the lost of this world.
Let’s move to chapter 11 and the two witnesses. Some people say they know who they are. Dr. M. says John is vague about their identities, but we do know that the world hates them. But, the Beast comes out of the pit and kills them. They don’t bury them. They lie in the streets for three and a half days (11:8-9). The world is celebrating their deaths. But then, in 11:11, a voice from heaven commands them to come up here, and they do. Then there is an earthquake and John says in 11:13, the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven (ESV).
I’m stopping here. He gives such great explanations of things and why they happened, where, and to whom. It is grave, yes.
But it ends with hope and a promise from Jesus Christ, Himself, 22:20 Surely I am coming soon.
I encourage you to find this sermon/booklet. It is for sale at the site or you may download and print it as I did. I learned things I never knew or understood before.
Blessings, y’all!
When I think of The Revelation to John, I think of Handel and his entire Messiah. These are the last two choruses of that great and magnificent work. I pray it blesses you, even if this isn’t your kind of music. I miss singing such as this. It’s simply sublime. Can’t say as I’ve heard the Amen performed at so sluggish a tempo. What say you? It’s still good.
The Conversation
Thanks you for such a great resource. I love all the Bible, including Revelation. It has taken me reading it through several times and studying commentary to begin to understand a tiny bit of it. There is so much more to unfold.
I so agree. We could study forever and not fully understand until we see Jesus face to face.
I’m looking forward to that day, whenever it may be! Dr. M. has much to say about this if you
decide to look for that sermon. Very interesting. Voddie Baucham also has an amazing account.
I’m sure there are wonderful Bible teachers out there who can explain this challenging book.
Dr. M. isn’t the only one. But he’s good. Seems like sound doctrine. I hope someone will
correct me if I’m wrong about that. I know he’s a Calvinist. I’m not real sure what all that
means, but I’ve never heard him preach anything I couldn’t agree with. Thus far.
Thanks for sharing!
Always. Thanks for reading!