The Gift of Wisdom

At this age, visits to our physicians come much more frequently. Next week, I have three days of doctor appointments. I have one tomorrow. Today, I saw my dermatologist for my six-month check. Even things like that have gone to twice a year now rather than my normal once. Heavy sigh in NC.
One nice thing happened at my derm visit. I was given an A+ for skin health in spite of having to have one spot frozen and a new med ordered for others. Not too bad for my age, and close to forty years in the Florida sun.
As Jennifer, the PA in my derm office, was looking over me and I was asking about this here, and that there, she informed me those are wisdom spots. Ha! My response was that King Solomon had nothing on me.
Would that all those lovely little brown spots truly did infuse one with wisdom, then I’d be so much wiser than my age decrees. Insert another sigh here.
Merriam-Webster defines wisdom as insight or good sense: Judgment. These are the ones most closely aligned with my thoughts.
The Gift of Wisdom @DDuPreeWilliams #wisdom #faith #writing Share on XPROVERBS – KING SOLOMON AND OTHERS
It just so happens that hubby and I are in the book of Proverbs now in this year’s chronological reading of our Bibles. We’re a bit behind, but that was intentional because we decided to take things more slowly this year and really dig to find every little morsel in God’s Word we possibly can.
I’m sure y’all know this, but Proverbs is one of the wisdom books in the Bible, and is most likely the most well-known of all.
Yesterday and today, we read from chapters 1 through chapter 6. Solomon (or one of the other authors) is talking to his son about getting wisdom and things to avoid. Frankly, this book should be required reading for all young people leaving high school and heading off to college, IMHO. Think of all the trouble, heartache, and yes, even guilt some will avoid just by being steeped in God’s Word. I feel this is a great place to start.
The book of Proverbs actually tells us The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10, ESV). Fear as it is used here usually means to be in awe of, to delight in, or to revere God. Once one sees God as deserving of all those things, then one will have a healthy fear of Him, and that is the beginning of their journey toward wisdom.
I know all those spots aren’t going to bring me wisdom, but I’m so thankful for all the things I’ve learned from our chronological Bible study over the past almost three years. For certain, I don’t have the wisdom of Solomon, but I do have a much stronger faith and trust in my omnipotent, omniscient Father. Above all, I stand in awe of my awesome God. I marvel at His handiwork as I look at the world around me. Each new day brings joy and delight to my soul, and a profound sense of gratitude for the gift of this life and one more day to spend it with the people I love. And that is just a bit of the wisdom I’ve gained from spending time in my Abba’s Word.
Do you feel God has blessed you with wisdom? Please share your experience with us.
Blessings, y’all!
Not the best voices ever, but the visuals are wonderful. Chosen for the words “Grant us wisdom, grant us courage.” These days, we all need both of these things. Praying all over each of you, the church, and our great country.
The Conversation
Thanks for sharing. I agree, each verse in Proverbs could be something I read and then dwell on it for a period of time before I read the next verse.
We’re still making our way through, three chapters per day. Lots to discuss and think about, for sure.
Although it is hard for me, I choose to believe that in James 1:5 where it says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally”. The next verse clarifies that you have to strongly believe and not waver that God will do what He says and you will have wisdom when you ask. So, yes, I am trusting God to give me lots of wisdom and I have the spots on me to prove it too, Ha Ha Ha!
We pray for wisdom daily. I’m not sure we could function without that prayer.
Yep, those spots have to mean something, right? I’ll take wisdom!
I don’t know how much wisdom I have, but I do know that having good friends like you who write the truth and share it with others is a blessing. Thank you for sharing your walk and for encouraging me in mine.
I don’t feel too wise most days. But somehow, God always shows up, even when we don’t deserve it.
Thank you for your kind words.
I believe God blesses us with the wisdom needed at different times. I am thankful God gives us gifts to help share His love with others. Have a blessed day! 🙂
I agree. We pray for wisdom daily. It seems to come and go at will, but God grants us at least understanding in most matters.
Sometimes, it’s a struggle!