The Enneagram – Is It For Christians?

I want to begin by saying the opinions in this post are mine alone. Each of you must decide for yourselves if you will accept or reject the enneagram. Y’all know I’m no Bible scholar. I always write from my heart. But I’ve heard so many of my Christian friends and acquaintances talking about this, I had to do my own homework and share my findings with you.
For me, it is a definite no. IMHO it is an instrument of Satan no matter how many Christians have tried to gloss over it and make it sound acceptable and even desirable within the confines of the Christian church today. Nope.
When I was a child and especially when I was a young woman, my Mama warned me against the instruments of the devil, telling me he’d wrap them in pretty bows and cover them with glitter to make them look like the best things ever. But I was not to be deceived. Remember the old saying, all that glitters is not gold?
To learn more about this, I did a Google search and went to YouTube. You can find just about anything these days, and more opinions than one could possibly learn in a lifetime. I’m sure those of you reading this have differing opinions. That’s okay. I simply want to share with you what I found and let you decide. If you consider me to be crazy, that’s okay. God knows my heart.
There are pro-enneagram opinions and con-enneagram opinions. As stated earlier, everyone must decide for him or herself.
Before you read the rest of this post, go here and watch this hour-long video. It was enlightening in that it was an interview with a woman who was involved in astrology and New Age. She didn’t share her salvation story, but you will find it on her site which I have linked to at the end of this post. She’s Marcia Montenegro and she is interviewed by Alisa Childers.
Some say the enneagram has its roots in the occult. I’ll admit I’m in this camp, sorry if this offends your senses, but that is how I feel and who I am. Certainly, Ms. Montenegro feels that way. She uses a whole lot of terms I’d never heard before. Is this because I’ve never been involved in New Age thinking and practices, but she has? Here are a few of those terms.
Perennialism, Progressive Christianity, true-self and false-self, panentheism.
A mouthful.
Some say the enneagram has been around since the Desert Fathers and Mothers in the 400s. I’ve never heard of this particular sect. The ones wandering in the desert and wilderness within my Biblical world-view were the Hebrew Children, and that was well before the year 400 AD. And the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel was their God. Did they sin? Of course, they did. They were human, after all. Did they repent? Many times. How in the world they could have been like that time after time is beyond me–until I look at my own life. Convicted!
From there it went through a metamorphosis into what it is today. It evolved into its current form in the 1960s. Honestly, go to Ms. Montenegro’s site (link at end of this), go into the articles section, and read all about it. She’s done her homework. And let me remind you, she knows what she’s talking about. She was heavily into New Age philosophies until she met Jesus! And while you’re reading all that, ask yourself about nine ways of thinking. Does that even make sense? Of course, not. I would imagine there are as many ways of thinking as there are people on earth.
The Enneagram - Is It For Christians? @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing #enneagram Share on XEMPHASIS ON SELF, NOT GOD
One of the most convincing arguments put forth by Ms. Montenegro is that the enneagram shifts one’s focus from God to self. The first question of the Catechism is What is the chief end of man? The answer is To glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Doesn’t sound like emphasis on me at all.
In researching for this post, I told you I Googled and went to YouTube. The person I’m choosing to trust the most about the enneagram is Marcia Montenegro. Go to the links provided to read about her, past and present. Read her faith statement. Read her story.
This is a woman who was deeply involved in astrology, spirit guides, all manner of New Age, and mysticism tenets.
I honestly think watching the video (I’ve included a link), going to Marcia’s site, and reading many of the articles she’s written about the enneagram will make you think twice about whether or not you should be dabbling in such. No matter what your friends or even your church may say. And any entity which claims to know the path to God doesn’t sound Christian unless it’s pointing to the Bible. The enneagram certainly isn’t it.
Jesus, Himself said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6 ESV). Friends, studying an enneagram isn’t going to get you there!
All one must do to figure out self is to go to the book of Ephesians 1:3-14 to see what God has to say about who we are. We don’t need any kind of so-called personality test, especially one that has its beginnings and support in the occult and New Age philosophies.
God says we are blessed, chosen, holy, blameless, adopted, redeemed, we have an inheritance, we’re forgiven, and we are sealed (ESV).
Maybe that’s not enough for some, but for me, it is more than enough to know that my eternity is safe in the hands of God my Father, the Triune God. No matter my personality.
I realize I’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg here. Just a reminder, the most deadly parts of that iceberg are those below the surface, in the deep, dark. Things that are hidden from us. The video alone was enough to convince me I want no part of this. If you want to know more, there are plenty of places to find information. People have gotten rich writing books on the subject so, there’s no lack of info. If you feel I’m being judgmental, let me assure you, I am not. That’s not my job and is between you and Jesus. I only want you to know the truth because I’m genuinely concerned for my friends and for the church at large. Remember John 8:32 (ESV) “and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Here are sites for you to check out: or CANA.
The above link is Ms. Montenegro’s site. Within this, you will find many, many articles about the enneagram and those associated with it. Please do your own homework. The articles are enlightening if nothing else. They will make you think and hopefully question if this is for you. Know I’m praying for you!
Go to YouTube and search for a video interview with Sean McDowell and Dr. Chris Berg. Enlightening.
Blessings, Y’all!
Here’s an uplifting song after all that! He is coming back! Every knee will bow!! At the NAME of JESUS – Yeshua Hamashiach!!
The Conversation
I don’t even know what the term enneagram means. I don’t want to know or let my mind even go there. I’ll take your word for it that it is bad. Also, if I don’t read about it in scriptures, then I take it for false teaching.
Thank you for being brave to make a post on an apparently controversial topic. I decided not to watch the video. I want to keep thinking about what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely ect as Phil. 4:8 says. Thanks for your truth and honesty about the subject… your heart falls right in with Phil. 4:8:)
Jane, I don’t blame you. Far too many Christians, especially young people who don’t understand how dangerous such can be, are getting caught up in this.
I’m sure they’re thinking, “Well, this person does it and promotes it so it must be okay.” That should never be the litmus test for such. Do your research
and you’ll find this is nothing any Christian should be messing around with, no matter how many pretty bows and how big a mess they make with glitter trying
to make it sound like something good. It just isn’t, IMHO. I’d rather err on the side of caution.
Thanks for sharing. I know some writers use the personality traits to develop characters and how they act/react based on the descriptions. I create my characters a different way. Your perspective is helpful.
Joni, I don’t use this either. I know some who do. Precisely why I said each person must choose what is right for them. I’m glad you found my words helpful.
Love and blessings!